Error in JupyterLab: OSError Due to No Space Left on Device

Pedro Ferreira
  • 12 Sep '24


I am currently encountering an issue while using the PySR library in Python with Julia integration. The error I am experiencing is related to insufficient disk space, and it prevents me from proceeding with my work. Below is the relevant part of the error message:

OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device: '/opt/julia/environments/pyjuliapkg'

Here is a snippet of the code I am running:

from pysr import PySRRegressor
pysr = PySRRegressor.from_file('PYSR2/equations_NN.pkl')

It seems the issue arises when juliacall attempts to set up its environment:

File ~/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/juliacall/, in init()
156 import juliapkg
158 # Find the Julia executable and project
159 CONFIG['exepath'] = exepath = juliapkg.executable()

The error suggests that there is no space left on the device where the Julia environment is being set up. Could you please provide guidance on how to resolve this issue? If it is a matter of disk space, any recommendations on how to proceed or whether there are alternative approaches would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your assistance.

Dylan Nelson
  • 12 Sep '24

So there was in fact (Sep 12 2024) a filesystem issue, which could have made the Lab appear full. This has been resolved, so try again, and let me know if you see the same issue?

However, note that in the Lab, only files within the home directory (/home/tnguser/) are persistent i.e. last forever. While it may look like you can install software to a location like /opt/julia, this will not last - when your Lab eventually stops or restarts, all locations outside your home directory will revert to their original states. Thus, if you want to install software, you must install it "locally" i.e. "non-root" i.e. into your home directory. You can usually find instructions for doing so.

Pedro Ferreira
  • 12 Sep '24

Thank you for the update and clarification.

It seems the issue has been resolved!

I appreciate the advice on software installation. I will ensure that all installations are done locally within the home directory to prevent any loss after restarts.

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