Problem with Accessing Simulation Data Files in JupyterLab

Anindita Nandi
  • 9 Sep '24

Dear Dr. Nelson,
I have been facing some issues with my account in the Jupyterlab workspace since yesterday. The data files are not loading, so I cannot conduct my analysis.

I was trying to run the following code snippet (which was working fine before) -
t1 = time.time()
basePath = '../sims.TNG/TNG300-1/output/'
fields = ['SubhaloFlag','SubhaloPos','SubhaloMassInRadType','SubhaloSFRinRad','SubhaloStarMetallicity','SubhaloBHMass','SubhaloBHMdot']
subhalo = il.groupcat.loadSubhalos(basePath, 99, fields=fields)

t2 = time.time()
print("All fileds are loaded!")
print("Time taken = %f seconds"%(t2-t1))

Most of the time, I get a pop-up message about kernel restarting after running the above code snippet for a couple of hours. I think the data loading part should not take this much time in general.
I would greatly appreciate any assistance you can provide to resolve this issue.
Thank you for your time and help.

Kai Wang
  • 1
  • 9 Sep '24

I met a similar problem. It took 10 seconds to load the main branch of a single subhalo (It is an array with 100 numbers), and loading a whole subhalo catalog at one snapshot takes a very long time.
Besides, although I have 10GB memory allocated, it never exceeds 1GB now.

I was wondering whether there are some memory-heavy tasks running on the server now.

Prem Kumar
  • 9 Sep '24

Same happening with me for the last couple of the days. The code for data loading that used to take few seconds now taking several minutes (sometimes 30 minutes to 1 hour for just one field). Memory allocation does not seem to be the issue since its always under 1GB for a single field.

Ankit Kumar
  • 9 Sep '24

Dear Nelson,
I am also experiencing the same issue since last Thursday. The cell which loads the halo/subhalo catalogues never finishes. Any help is highly appreciated.

Kate Futrowsky
  • 9 Sep '24

I am experiencing the same issue.

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