Generating mock stellar images of TNG50 subhalos

Avinash Chaturvedi
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  • 26 Jul

Dear Dylan,

I wish to generate mock stellar images of TNG50 subhalos. Going through the documentation and previous discussions, I found I can use the SKIRT images catalogue ( The pixel scale in these images is generated at z = 0.0485 and I wish to obtain this at a lower redshift say at Virgo cluster distance. How can I vary the pixel scale to another redshift?

I also tried to generate mock images based on the stellar magnitude of star particles loading their stellar photometry 'GFM_StellarPhotometrics'. How can I convert the stellar magnitudes to counts per particle/pixel?

Again going through the previous discussions (, I found that you have suggested zero point for sdss g band magnitude as :
fluxmag0_gband = 2.40238e+10
Using the expression from the above discussion :
flux_counts = 10**(np.log10(fluxmag0_gband) - AB_gbandsss/2.5)
where AB_gbandsss is the stellar sdss g band magnitude from GFM_StellarPhotometrics.

For TNG50 subhalo id 17, in sdss g band, I am getting flux_counts of stellar particles as of the order of :
array([5.4073271e+12, 3.8558203e+12, 3.1230253e+12, ..., 8.3974533e+12, 5.6399846e+12, 1.5906978e+13], dtype=float32).
It seems that these values are quite huge enough to be considered counts/s. Sorry if I am missing something obvious.

Thanks for your response.


Dylan Nelson
  • 27 Jul

The "(l) SKIRT Synthetic Images and Optical Morphologies" catalog is a dataset which is available - if it is useful, you can use it. However, there is no easy way to change any part of it, as this was a lot of computational and practical work. If you want to make different stellar mock images, as you say you can create your own, either (a) using a code like SKIRT, or (b) doing it more by-hand, using the stored magnitudes of star particles and/or other stellar library models like BC03 or FSPS to calculate the luminosity of each star particle in the band(s) you are interested in.

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