following NextProgenitorID links in merger trees

Xu Li
  • 1
  • 11 Aug '23

I get the read the subfindID. But when I want to read the detailed information about it through its subfindID.
I get the subfindID from the code:

def trans(basePath,subhaloID,SnapNum,id):
    '''try to get the subfindID from its subhaloID'''
    RowNum, LastProgID, SubhaloID = il.sublink.treeOffsets(basePath, SnapNum, id, "SubLink")
    rowStart = RowNum
    rowEnd   = RowNum + (LastProgID - SubhaloID)
    nRows    = rowEnd - rowStart + 1
    offsets = il.sublink.subLinkOffsets(basePath, "SubLink", True)
    rowOffsets = rowStart - offsets
    fileNum = np.max(np.where(rowOffsets >= 0))
    with h5py.File(il.sublink.treePath(basePath, "SubLink", fileNum), 'r') as f:
    return SubfindID

and I want to use it in loadSingle, but it has the error:

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-8-9083be1f37e1> in <module>
      4     if i in cut:
      5         continue
----> 6     cosI=angular(basePath,mergerlist[2*i],mergerlist[2*i+1],snap)
      7     total.append(cosI)

<ipython-input-3-3e61878b4f88> in angular(basePath, SubfindID1, SubfindID2, SnapNum)
      2     '''know the cos of the two galaxies' angular monmentous '''
      3     sub1=il.groupcat.loadSingle(basePath, SnapNum, haloID=-1,subhaloID=SubfindID1)
----> 4     sub2=il.groupcat.loadSingle(basePath, SnapNum, haloID=-1,subhaloID=SubfindID2)
      5     L1=sub1['SubhaloMass']*sub1['SubhaloSpin']
      6     L2=sub2['SubhaloMass']*sub2['SubhaloSpin']

~/illustris_python/ in loadSingle(basePath, snapNum, haloID, subhaloID)
    152     with h5py.File(gcPath(basePath, snapNum, fileNum), 'r') as f:
    153         for haloProp in f[gName].keys():
--> 154             result[haloProp] = f[gName][haloProp][groupOffset]
    156     return result

h5py/_objects.pyx in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper()

h5py/_objects.pyx in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper()

/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/h5py/_hl/ in __getitem__(self, args)
    475         # Perform the dataspace selection.
--> 476         selection =, args,
    478         if selection.nselect == 0:

/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/h5py/_hl/ in select(shape, args, dsid)
     93     sel = SimpleSelection(shape)
---> 94     sel[args]
     95     return sel

/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/h5py/_hl/ in __getitem__(self, args)
    259             return self
--> 261         start, count, step, scalar = _handle_simple(self.shape,args)
    263         self._id.select_hyperslab(start, count, step)

/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/h5py/_hl/ in _handle_simple(shape, args)
    449         else:
    450             try:
--> 451                 x,y,z = _translate_int(int(arg), length)
    452                 s = True
    453             except TypeError:

/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/h5py/_hl/ in _translate_int(exp, length)
    470     if not 0<=exp<length:
--> 471         raise ValueError("Index (%s) out of range (0-%s)" % (exp, length-1))
    473     return exp, 1, 1

ValueError: Index (62467) out of range (0-14077)

so what's wrong, please help me

Dylan Nelson
  • 14 Aug '23

I am not sure what the trans() function is trying to do?

And what does subhaloID=subhaloID%1000000 mean?

Xu Li
  • 14 Aug '23

Dear sir,
the trans() function trys get the subfindID of the NextProgenitor which comes from tree. And for subhaloID=subhaloID%1000000 , it's used to read the index of the Nextprogenitor.

Dylan Nelson
  • 14 Aug '23

For example

In [3]: tree = il.sublink.loadTree(basePath, snap_num, subhalo_id)

In [8]: tree['FirstProgenitorID'][0]
Out[8]: 257735

In [9]: ww = np.where(tree['SubhaloID'] == 257735)

In [10]: ww
Out[10]: (array([1]),)

In [13]: tree['NextProgenitorID'][1]
Out[13]: 258657

In [14]: ww = np.where(tree['SubhaloID'] == 258657)

In [15]: ww
Out[15]: (array([923]),)

In [16]: tree['SubfindID'][923]
Out[16]: ANSWER
Xu Li
  • 15 Aug '23

but it maybe unread because the ww of np.where(tree['SubhaloID'] == 258657) equals array[].

Dylan Nelson
  • 15 Aug '23

By definition, if you specify onlyMPB=True when loading the tree, then the result does not contain any Next Progenitors.

If you want to explore the full tree, and not just the Main Progenitor Branch, you should delete onlyMPB=True.

Xu Li
  • 17 Aug '23

Dear Sir,
I have a try in my code. But in 33snapshot,the array is empty.wrong.png
why is the shape of the subhalo smaller than the NextProgenitorID?

Dylan Nelson
  • 1
  • 17 Aug '23

You cannot access tree['NextProgenitorID'][0], this is undefined (for the root node).

You should first access tree['FirstProgenitorID'][0], which is 1, then tree['NextProgenitorID'][1], which is 52265.

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