I'm wanting to plot the positions of a certain range of halos found in a data set.
I have selected mass from the first simulation run
halofields = ['Group_M_Crit200'] halos1 = il.groupcat.loadHalos(basePath1,135,fields=halofields) Mvir1 = halos1['Group_M_Crit200'] * 1e10 / 0.704 # in units of M_sol h^-1 Mvirial1 = Mvir1[(8e+11 < Mvir1) & (Mvir1 < 2.4e+12)]
Mvirial1 gives me the range of halo masses that I am evaluating.
Is it possible to select their spatial position from the catalog to where I can plot them 3 dimensionally?
Thank you.
I figured it out. Thank you.
I'm wanting to plot the positions of a certain range of halos found in a data set.
I have selected mass from the first simulation run
Mvirial1 gives me the range of halo masses that I am evaluating.
Is it possible to select their spatial position from the catalog to where I can plot them 3 dimensionally?
Thank you.
I figured it out. Thank you.