get median curve of task9

Maryam salimi
  • 4
  • 12 Jul '20

I have many IDs and I want to do task 9 for them ; But I want to have one curve(average curve) instead of a lot curves in my chart . But I can't make average from my curves...

for example , for part type Gas , I want to get median from all the points in each snapshot , and then connect all the points of the average .
I can do this for one snapshot! As shown in the following code(for example for two IDs):

ids = [109974,110822]
list1 = []

for id in ids:
    url = "" + str(id)
    sub = get(url) # get json response of subhalo properties

    # prepare dict to hold result arrays
    fields = ['snap','id','mass_gas']
    r = {}
    for field in fields:
        r[field] = []

    while sub['desc_sfid'] != -1:
        for field in fields:
            # request the full subhalo details of the descendant by following the sublink URL
        sub = get(sub['related']['sublink_descendant'])

    # make a plot (notice our subhalo falls into a much more massive halo around snapshot 105)
    for partType in ['gas']:
        mass_logmsun = np.log10( np.array(r['mass_'+partType][1])*1e10/0.704)

Sum = sum(list1) 
ave = Sum/2

But I can't generalize it to all the snapshots...
(I want to create a circle (loop) that does this for all the snapshots).

Thank you for your help.

Dylan Nelson
  • 13 Jul '20

Hi Maryam,

I'd suggest you review something like a numpy tutorial which should be helpful later. I would do something more like

num_snaps = 100
ids = [109974,110822]

mass_vs_time = np.zeros( (len(ids),num_snaps), dtype='float32')

for i, id in enumerate(ids):
    # download data for this subhalo
    mass_vs_time[i,:] = gas_mass_history

avg_mass_vs_time = np.mean(mass_vs_time, axis=0)
Maryam salimi
  • 16 Jul '20

Thank you so much Dylan . You help me a lot .Thank you again .

Maryam salimi
  • 1
  • 16 Jul '20

Hi again Dylan ,

If I want to get the standard deviation diagram for the mean diagram I drew using the above code ,can you help me?
I have used the following code in continuation of the above code :

total_bins = 10
bins = np.linspace(68, 134 , total_bins)
delta = bins[1]-bins[0]
idx  = np.digitize(x,bins)
running_median = [np.median(avg_mass_vs_time[idx==k]) for k in range(total_bins)]
plt.plot(bins-delta/2 , running_median, color= 'blue' , lw=2  , markersize=1 )

running_std    = [avg_mass_vs_time[idx==k].std()/np.sqrt(len(avg_mass_vs_time[idx==k])) for k in range(total_bins)]
plt.errorbar(bins-delta/2,running_median,running_std,color='blue', lw=2.0 , marker='o', markersize=4, ls='none', mew=1)

But I think it is not true...

Thanks in advance for your help.

Dylan Nelson
  • 1
  • 16 Jul '20

Hi Maryam,

The numpy std() function also has an axis argument, you can maybe use it in the same way. Beyond this I'm afraid I can't help with such detailed aspects.

Maryam salimi
  • 16 Jul '20

I understand. Thank you very much for your guidance and for spend your time to help .Thank you so much .

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