ERROR 500: Internal Server Error upon downloading parent halo cutout from TNG300-1

Sophia Nasr
  • 22 Sep '19


I'm trying to download the full cutout for a few parent halos in TNG300-1 from snapshot 1, and I'm receiving ERROR 500 when I try via wget in command prompt. I'm getting the same when I try to download directly from the website by clicking the link for the parent halo. Is this a problem particularly with snapshot 1? I recently (about a week ago) downloaded the group catalogs for snapshots 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 and didn't have this problem so I assume it's an update type thing, but just in case there is a bigger underlying problem, I thought I'd reach out.

Thank you.

Dylan Nelson
  • 23 Sep '19


Can you provide a specific link with the problem? Thanks!

Sophia Nasr
  • 23 Sep '19

Hi Dylan,

Here is one, but all cutouts (at least from snapshot 1 which is what I'm trying to access) have the same issue it seems: ""

I wanted to get the parent halos with the following IDs from snapshot 1: 0, 3, 15, 17, 58

The link above is for parent halo ID 0, but the others seem to have the same problem in that clicking the link to directly download takes me to a page with "Server Error (500)", and using wget gives me "ERROR 500: Internal Server Error."

Dylan Nelson
  • 23 Sep '19

Hi Sophia,

Thanks for spotting this, should be all fixed now.

The problem was that no BHs exist in these snapshots/objects (because they are so high redshift), which wasn't being handled well.

Sophia Nasr
  • 23 Sep '19

Thank you Dylan, I'll try this out!

Sophia Nasr
  • 24 Sep '19

Hi Dylan, just thought I'd let you know the problem has been resolved! Thank you very much for looking into this so quickly, it's greatly appreciated.

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