This post will always contain a complete and up-to-date change log. You can enable Notifications on this topic to automatically receive an email for any update.
Chronological change log:
2 April, 2015: Public data release of the Illustris simulation.
1 June, 2015: Updated the Stellar Circularities, Angular Momenta, Axis Ratios supplementary catalog to include most snapshots of Illustris-1 (13 through 135 for circularities and momenta, 38 through 135 for axis ratios). In addition, a minor bug was fixed which would have previously affected the z=0 values for only a small percentage of subhalos. (update from Shy Genel)
12 November, 2015: Added additional data to the Stellar Mocks: Multi-band Images and SEDs supplementary dataset, for additional redshifts/snapshots of Illustris-1. In particular, z = 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0 (twelve additional redshifts in addition to the data which remains the same for z=0). For each of these redshifts, both rest-frame and redshifted FITS files are available. The corresponding documentation is updated, as is the 'stellar mocks' section of the API reference. (update from Paul Torrey)
11 December, 2015: The units of the Potential field for all four particle types were previously given incorrectly, having omitted a scale factor. The correct units are (km/s)^2/a, and the documentation has been updated. (Note also: Potential not available in DM-only runs).
21 December, 2015: The Stellar Circularities, Angular Momenta, Axis Ratios catalog for Illustris-1 has been updated due to the previous Potential units change. The following fields were incorrect (at z>0 only) and are now fixed: CircAbove07Frac, CircAbove07MinusBelowNeg07Frac, CircTwiceBelow0Frac, and their _allstars versions.
16 March, 2016: A "Subhalo Matching To Dark" catalog for Illustris-1, Illustris-2 and Illustris-3 has been released. This gives, for each subhalo in the full physics box, the matching subhalo in the DM-only run, at the same resolution. See the documentation for more details.
17 March, 2016: The descriptions of the BH_Pressure and BH_U fields (for blackhole particle-level data) in the documentation have been revised for clarity.
18 April, 2016: A new supplementary data catalog "(e) Multi-Redshift Non-Parametric Stellar Morphologies" has been added for Illustris-1, extending the previous "non-parametric morphologies" data which had been available only for z=0. (update from Greg Snyder).
20 May, 2016: The description of the LastStarTime field for tracer particles in the documentation has been revised for clarity.
22 July, 2016: A new set of Stellar Mocks FITS: SEDs (z=0 only) are available, restricted to subhalo stars only. This is in contrast to the previously available "broadband.fits" files which contained all stars in the parent halo within the imaging region. Therefore, all stars not gravitationally bound to the galaxy of interest are excluded in this new data, including any other nearby galaxies. These contain only integrated SEDs, and not broadband images. These are available for subhalos with greater than 500 star particles. (update from Paul Torrey).
21 September, 2016: A new supplementary data catalog "(f) Blackhole Mergers and Details" has been added for all FP runs (Illustris-1, -2 and -3). This includes information on all SMBH mergers and properties at high time resolution, information which was not previously available in any form. See the new data documentation for details. (update from Luke Kelley).
20 Oct, 2016: A new supplementary data catalog "(g) Stellar Assembly" has been added for all FP runs (Illustris-1, -2 and -3). This includes details on the stellar assembly process of all galaxies across all snapshots, focusing on in situ vs. ex situ stellar mass growth, the contribution from star formation before or after infall, the role of major and/or minor mergers and flyby encounters. See the new data documentation for details. (update from Vicente Rodriguez-Gomez).
25 Nov, 2016: A new supplementary data catalog "(i) Halo/galaxy angular momentum and baryon content" has been added for Illustris-1 and Illustris-1-Dark (z=0 snapshot). It includes details on the angular momentum contents, energies, and rotation of the different baryonic components, measured for every halo and galaxy. (update from Jolanta Zjupa).
11 Apr, 2017: A new supplementary data catalog "(h) Photometry, Morphology, Strong-lensing and Dynamics (PMSD)" has been added for Illustris-1 (covering 10 snapshots from z=0.1 to z=1.0). It contains many associated measurements primarily from the strong-lensing perspective. (update from Dandan Xu).
2 June, 2017: New functionality has been added to the web API. Individual fields can now be downloaded from group catalogs, without needing to download the entire catalog. See the API reference documentation under [base]/groupcat-{num}/?{subset_query}. For example, this link downloads just the Illustris-1 z=0 subhalo SFRs.
21 August, 2017: New functionality has been added to the web API. The descendant branch(es) of the SubLink merger tree (i.e. towards lower redshift) can now be obtained for any given halo at any snapshot. See the API reference documentation under [base]/subhalos/{id}/sublink/mdb.hdf5 for details. For example, this link downloads the MDB ("main descendant branch") of the central subhalo of the 10th most massive halo of Illustris-1 at z=2. Because this subhalo lies on the MPB of its z=0 descendant, the return is a single tree branch. Note that if the selected subhalo does not lie on the MPB of its z=0 descendant, then the return is the full descendant merger tree which contains as its first entry the z=0 descendant of this subhalo.
17 October, 2017: A new supplementary data catalog "(j) Mock Deep Field Lightcones (HST, JWST, WFIRST)" has been added for Illustris-1. It contains synthetic deep survey images, in particular three "mock ultra deep fields", each 2.8 arcminutes across, in common wide filters used by HST, as well as in filters expected to be used widely by observers with JWST and WFIRST. See the data documentation for more information. (update from Greg Snyder).
16 November, 2017: The units of the Volume field for gas cells were previously given incorrectly as the reciprocal. The correct units are (ckpc/h)^3, and the documentation has been updated.
22 December, 2017: The units of the angular momentum quantities in the supplementary catalog "(i) Halo/galaxy angular momentum and baryon content" have been fixed, they previously included only one factor of little h, but the correct value is h^2.
2 February, 2018: New functionality has been added to the web API. A "simple.json" return is available for the SubLink tree, which gives information about the main progenitor branch of a subhalo, and a list of its past mergers, only. In both cases a pair of (snapshot number, subhalo ID) are given. For example, this link shows a history with three merger events. See the API reference documentation under [base]/subhalos/{id}/sublink/ for details. (thanks to Zephyr Penoyre).
17 December, 2018: The public data release of the first two simulations of IllustrisTNG: these are the TNG100 and TNG300 volumes (see paper on arxiv).
25 February, 2019: A new TNG supplementary data catalog "(h) Subbox Subhalo List" has been added for all TNG baryonic simulations with subboxes. It contains information on which subhalos/galaxies/halos pass through each subbox over time, allowing high time-resolution analyses and visualization. See the data documentation for more information. (update from Dylan Nelson).
1 March, 2019: A new TNG supplementary data catalog "(i) Molecular and atomic hydrogen (HI+H2) galaxy contents" has been added for TNG100-1, TNG100-2, TNG300-1, and Illustris-1. This contains several models of the HI and H2 (molecular hydrogen) mass per subhalo. See the data documentation for more information. (update from Benedikt Diemer).
3 March, 2019: A new TNG supplementary data catalog "(l) SKIRT Synthetic Images and Optical Morphologies"has been added for TNG100-1 (currently z=0 and z=0.05). This contains post-processed dust radiative transfer calculations with SKIRT to derive broadband images, as well as the results of automatic morphological classification measures. (update from Vicente Rodriguez-Gomez).
19 March, 2019: The (c) Stellar Circularities, Angular Momenta, Axis Ratios supplementary catalog has been produced and released for TNG100 and TNG300 (all resolution levels). The details and information herein is exactly the same as was previously made available for the original Illustris-1 simulation. (update from Shy Genel).
30 April, 2019: A new (d) Subhalo Matching Between Runs catalog has been released, matching between all baryonic runs and their dark matter only counterparts (all TNG100 and TNG300 boxes). This gives, for each subhalo in the full physics box, the matching subhalo in the DM-only run, at the same resolution. See the documentation for more details. (update from Dylan Nelson).
27 May, 2019: The LHaloTree merger tree for the TNG100-1 run (only) has been re-made. If you have been using this tree, or have downloaded it previously, please download it again, as the old version was incorrect.
17 Oct, 2019: All parts of the Illustris and TNG websites are now HTTPS (encrypted) by default. Please report any issues.
23 Nov, 2019: The supplementary data catalog "(l) SKIRT Synthetic Images and Optical Morphologies", previously available for TNG100-1 (z=0 and z=0.05), is now also available for Illustris-1 (same redshifts) to faciltate comparisons. This contains post-processed dust radiative transfer calculations with SKIRT to derive broadband images, as well as the results of automatic morphological classification measures. See the data documentation for more information.
9 Dec, 2019: A new supplementary data catalog "(k) SDSS Photometry, Colors, and Mock Fiber Spectra" has been released, for TNG100-1 and TNG300-1. (update from Dylan Nelson).
13 Dec, 2019: The Plot Group Catalog tool has been upgraded: (i) it is now significantly faster for more effective interactive use, (ii) several more properties of galaxies and halos have been added, and (iii) tooltips with complete descriptions are available if you hover over properties. (update from Dylan Nelson).
10 Feb, 2020: A new supplementary data catalog "(m) Disk Galaxy Kinematic Decompositions"has been released, for TNG100-1 at z=0. This includes mass fractions of components such as bulge, halo, cold disk, and so on, determined with an automatic gaussian mixture model technique. (update from Min Du).
17 Feb, 2020: A new supplementary data catalog "(j) Barred Galaxies Properties and Evolution"has been released, for TNG100-1 at z=0. This includes the barred galaxy catalog, and measurement of bar properties across time. (update from Yetli Rosas-Guevara).
24 Apr, 2020: The Stellar Assembly supplementary data catalog, previously available for original Illustris, is also now available for all TNG baryonic runs of TNG100 and TNG300. (update from Vicente Rodriguez-Gomez).
31 Apr, 2020: A new supplementary data catalog "(n) L-Galaxies Semi-Analytical Model"has been released, for TNG100-1 and TNG300-1 (all snapshots/redshifts). This gives the output of the L-Galaxies SAM, run on the TNG dark matter only simulations, for comparison. (update from Reza Ayromlou).
25 May, 2020: A new TNG supplementary data catalog "(e) Stellar Projected Sizes" has been added for TNG100-1 and TNG300-1. This contains projected half-light radii of various types for galaxies. See the data documentation for more information. (update from Shy Genel).
7 July, 2020: A new TNG supplementary data catalog "(o) Lensing Profiles" has been added for TNG100-1 and TNG300-1 (redshift zero). This contains projected mass profiles and weak lensing related contents. See the data documentation for more information. (update from Malin Renneby).
15 Sep, 2020: The supplementary data catalog "(j) Barred Galaxies Properties and Evolution"has been extended. This update includes a new, complementary analysis on the occurence and properties of barred galaxies in TNG100-1 at z=0. (update from Dongyao Zhao).
2 Dec, 2020: A new WebGL volume rendering capability has been added to Explorer3D for interactive exploration. Needs a modern web browser, and reasonably fast GPU for large datasets. Currently allows user-specified transfer functions and colormaps, switching between a number of simulations and gas properties: density, temperature, velocity, and x-ray luminosity. (update from Dylan Nelson).
1 Feb, 2021: The third and final volume of the original IllustrisTNG boxes, TNG50, is publicly released.
25 Mar, 2021: The units of PartType0/GFM_AGNRadiation have been clarified. (update from Chris Byrohl)
31 Mar, 2021: The post-processing catalog Molecular and atomic hydrogen (HI+H2) galaxy contents has been updated with minor fixes. While the average properties are all unchanged, values for individual galaxies can change by a few 10s of percent. (update from Benedikt Diemer).
28 Apr, 2021: The supplementary data catalog "(m) Disk Galaxy Kinematic Decompositions"has been updated to include TNG50-1 at z=0. This includes mass fractions of components such as bulge, halo, cold disk, and so on, determined with a gaussian mixture model technique. (update from Min Du).
21 May, 2021: A new supplementary catalog "(b) Star Formation Rates"has been added, for all TNG and Illustris hydro runs. It contains time-averaged, rather than instantaneous, SFRs of galaxies, in various apertures. (update from Annalisa Pillepich).
21 May, 2021: A new supplementary catalog "(p) Aperture Masses (Stellar and Total)"has been added, for all TNG hydro runs. It contains galaxy mass measurements in various physical (kpc) apertures, including stellar masses within 30pkpc, a frequently used fiducial definition of galaxy stellar mass. (update from Chris Engler).
25 May, 2021: The Visualize Galaxies and Halos tool has been updated. Now, whenever an option is changed, the current URL is updated correspondingly. This allows users to easily share a URL corresponding to their current visualization. (update from Dylan Nelson).
7 Sep, 2021: A new supplementary catalog "(q) Halo Structure"has been added, for TNG hydro and dark matter only runs. It contains halo structural measurements such as concentrations, shapes, and assembly information. (update from Dhayaa Anbajagane).
28 Oct, 2021: A bug has been fixed in the "Visualize Galaxies and Halos" online tool, which affected any images of stellar light made for observed bands (StellarBandObsFrame-*) for snapshots whose redshift was not divisible by 0.1. This particularly affected snapshots with 0.1<z<0.0 (excluding the end points), while the impact at higher redshift would have been small. Rest-frame visualizations were not affected. (bug report from Mathilda Avirett-Mackenzie).
29 Oct, 2021: A new supplementary catalog "(r) Galaxy Morphologies (Deep Learning)"has been added, for TNG50-1 and TNG100-1. It contains visual-like galaxy morphological classifications, based on a deep learning approach. For TNG50 these are available at high redshift (0.5 < z < 3) and are based on CANDELS-like galaxy imaging. For TNG100 these are available at low redshift (z ~ 0) and are based on SDSS-like galaxy imaging. (update from Marc Huertas-Company).
17 Nov, 2021: A new supplementary catalog "(a) Tracer Tracks"has been added, for TNG100-1, -2, and -3. It provides time-ordered, and halo/subhalo-ordered, tracer evolutionary histories, to aid in using the Monte Carlo tracer particles (PartType3) for analyzing the Lagrangian evolution of baryonic mass in gas, stars, or SMBHs. (update from Dylan Nelson).
26 Nov, 2021: A new Simulation Landscape page has been added, giving an overview of the different cosmological hydrodynamical simulations run by the community, notes about public availability, and a comparison of their results. (update from Dylan Nelson).
8 Feb, 2022: A bug has been fixed in the (p) Aperture Masses (Total and Stellar) supplementary catalog. The previous values for 10pkpc total masses were wrong (and simply equal to the 30pkpc total masses), which has been corrected. (update from Chris Engler).
13 Feb, 2022: A new supplementary catalog "(s) Cosmic web distances (DisPerSE)"has been added, for TNG100-1 and TNG300-1 at select snapshots between z=0 and z=2. It computes the cosmic web of filaments, nodes, and voids, and provides distances between galaxies and these topological structures. (update from Chris Duckworth).
19 Feb, 2022: The supplementary data catalog "(j) Barred Galaxies Properties and Evolution", previously available TNG100-1, has been extended to include TNG50-1 at snapshots from z=0 to z=4. (update from Yetli Rosas-Guevara).
9 June, 2022: A new supplementary catalog "(t) Galaxy Morphologies (Kinematic) and Bar Properties"has been added, for TNG50-1 at all redshifts/snapshots. It contains kinematic-based morphological decompositions into thin disc, thick disc, bulge, pseudo bulge, and halo components of the stellar bodies of galaxies. It also contains a bar identification, together with bar strength and size measurements. (update from Tommaso Zana).
21 June, 2022: The supplementary data catalog including stellar photometry/colors for SDSS bands has been renamed to "(k) SDSS ugriz and UVJ Photometry/Colors with Dust" as it now also includes a second catalog with UVJ photometry, for TNG100-1 and TNG300-1, at z=0, 0.75, 1.0, 1.75, 2.0, 2.2 using the same dust attenuation models. (update from Dylan Nelson).
5 July, 2022: A new supplementary catalog "(u) LEGA-C/VIMOS Mock Optical Spectra"has been added. It contains synthetic spectra for TNG100-1 galaxies at intermediate redshifts, from z=0.6 to z=1, matched in characteristics and with high realism with respect to the LEGA-C spectroscopic survey. (update from Po-Feng Wu).
29 July, 2022: A new supplementary catalog "(v) JWST-CEERS Mock Galaxy Imaging"has been added. It contains synthetic synthetic images for JWST-like NIRCam and MIRI observations of high-redshift galaxies, from z=3 to z=6, from TNG50-1. (update from Luca Costantin).
16 August, 2022: A new supplementary catalog "(w) Multi-band (UV to submm) Photometry and SEDs"has been added. It contains synthetic multi-wavelength photometry and SEDs, for TNG50-1 at low redshift, across a wide wavelength range. (update from Ana Trčka).
23 Sep, 2022: A new supplementary catalog "(x) Globular Clusters"has been added. It contains a catalog of globular clusters in high-mass TNG50 halos at redshift zero, based on a post-processing modeling technique. (update from Jessica Doppel).
11 Nov, 2022: The TNG supplementary data catalog "(l) SKIRT Synthetic Images and Optical Morphologies" has been updated. In addition to Pan-STARRS and SDSS stellar light image mocks, it now includes mocks specific to the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS), for all galaxies with M* > 1e8 Msun, from TNG50 at redshift z=0.0337. See the data documentation for more information. (update from Alejandro Guzman-Ortega).
5 Jan, 2023: A new supplementary catalog "(y) Merger History"has been added. It contains information and statistics on galaxy mergers (major, minor, and all), for all TNG simulations and all snapshots. (update from Lukas Eisert and Vicente Rodriguez-Gomez).
22 Feb, 2023: A new supplementary catalog "(z) MaNGIA Mock MANGA IFU Cubes"has been added. It contains 10,000 MaNGA-like (IFU datacube) mocks from TNG50 galaxies for stellar population analysis. (update from Regina Sarmiento).
29 Mar, 2023: The TNG50 Milky Way+Andromeda Sample and Data Release page is now available. The accompanying paper describes the selection of the sample of MW/M31-like galaxies in the TNG50 simulation, and makes a number of unique data products available for their analysis (update from Annalisa Pillepich).
29 Mar, 2023: A new supplementary catalog "(2) HVC-like Cosmological Cloud Catalog"has been added. It is a library of physical properties of cool clouds in the circumgalactic medium of Milky Way-like galaxies from TNG50. These objects are possible High Velocity Cloud (HVC) and/or Intermediate Velocity Cloud (IVC) analogs. (update from Rahul Ramesh).
20 April, 2023: A new supplementary catalog "(3) Zooniverse Cosmological Jellyfish"has been added. It contains citizen science (visual) classifications of a large number of satellite galaxies, to determine if they exhibit jellyfish-like morphologies i.e. extended tails of gas consistent with ram pressure stripping. (update from Elad Zinger).
2 August, 2023: The TNG50 supplementary catalog "(t) Galaxy Morphologies (Kinematic) and Bar Properties"has been updated with a correction. The previous catalog had incorrect values for snapshot 32 (only), and this has been fixed. The updated catalog has replaced the previous catalog. (update from Tommaso Zana).
8 August, 2023: A new supplementary catalog "(4) iMaNGA Mock MANGA IFU Datacubes"has been added. It contains mock IFU datacubes for ~1500 TNG50 galaxies, matched in sample and observational characteristics with the SDSS-IV/MaNGA survey. (update from Lorenza Nanni).
17 August, 2023: The Lab interface has been updated. The underlying OS that your Lab session runs on has been updated from Ubuntu 18 (bionic) to Ubuntu 20 (focal). Most importantly, the available Python version has been updated to 3.11, and all Python package versions are updated. In the future, please use pip install package to add additional packages, or for better package management, create a new mamba environment. The IDL version has been updated to 8.8, the Matlab version to 2022a, the Julia version to 1.9, and the R version to 4.3. JupyterLab itself has been updated to v3.6.5, with new features. Usefully, on the upper-right of the Lab, you will now see a memory usage indicator, showing the default 10GB memory limit. (update from Dylan Nelson).
23 August, 2023: The SubhaloFlag field from the group catalogs is now available in the online API. You can see the value for all subhalos, and also use it e.g. in API searches. For simulations without this field (e.g. original Illustris), all subhalos have a value of 1, indicating 'good'. (update from Dylan Nelson).
30 August, 2023: A new supplementary catalog "(5) Synthetic Stellar Light Images with HSC-SSP Realism"has been added. It contains mock stellar light images with HSC-like realism at 0.1<z<0.4 from TNG50 and TNG100. (update from Connor Bottrelli).
19 September, 2023: You can now download individual merger trees, for a given subhalo, from the SubLink_Gal merger tree. This is an alternative to SubLink, described in the original Rodriguez-Gomez+16 paper, but never publicly released. It is available for subhalos in baryonic runs only (not dark matter only runs). Instead of using dark matter particles to track subhalos through time, it uses stars as well as gas. It generally gives the same result as SubLink, but in some cases may be particularly useful or more suited. All four tree types (full, MPB, MDB, and simple) are available using the API. (update from Dylan Nelson).
20 October, 2023: The units of the PartType0/MagneticFieldDivergence field have been updated to clarify that they are in Heaviside-Lorentz and not Gauss, unlike the corresponding MagneticField values that are already in Gauss. (update from Rahul Ramesh).
13 Nov, 2023: First results from the new TNG-Cluster simulation are published. The full public data release is planned for early 2025.
25 January, 2024: A new supplementary catalog "(6) Nearest Neighbors"has been added. It contains counts of nearby galaxies as a probe of environment and environmental density. (update from Rodrigo Flores-Freitas).
29 January, 2024: A new supplementary catalog "(7) TNG50-SKIRT Atlas"has been added. It contains synthetic stellar light images of TNG50-1 galaxies at z=0, in various bands, created with the SKIRT dust radiative transfer code. (update from Maarten Baes).
7 May, 2024: The supplementary data catalog "(w) Multi-band (UV to submm) Photometry and SEDs", previously available for TNG50 is now also available for TNG100-1, at the same redshifts and with identical processing. See the data documentation for more information. (update from Andrea Gebek).
3 Dec, 2024: A new supplementary catalog under "(j) Barred Galaxies Properties and Evolution"has been added. It contains information on the time evolution of bars, using both ellipse fitting and Fourier methods, for TNG50-1 and TNG100-1 (update from Min Du and Shuai Lu).
1 June, 2015: Updated the "Stellar Circularities, Angular Momenta, Axis Ratios" supplementary catalog to include most snapshots of Illustris-1 (13 through 135 for circularities and momenta, 38 through 135 for axis ratios). In addition, a minor bug was fixed which would have previously affected the z=0 values for only a small percentage of subhalos. (update from Shy Genel)
Dylan Nelson
12 Nov '15
12 November, 2015: Added additional data to the "Stellar Mocks: Multi-band Images and SEDs" supplementary dataset, for additional redshifts/snapshots of Illustris-1. In particular, z = 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0 (twelve additional redshifts in addition to the data which remains the same for z=0). For each of these redshifts, both rest-frame and redshifted FITS files are available. The corresponding documentation is updated, as is the 'stellar mocks' section of the API reference. (update from Paul Torrey)
11 December, 2015: The units of the Potential field for all four particle types were previously given incorrectly, having omitted a scale factor. The correct units are (km/s)^2/a, and the documentation has been updated. (Note also: Potential not available in DM-only runs).
Dylan Nelson
21 Dec '15
21 December, 2015: The "Stellar Circularities, Angular Momenta, Axis Ratios" catalog for Illustris-1 has been updated due to the previous Potential units change. The following fields were incorrect (at z>0 only) and are now fixed: CircAbove07Frac, CircAbove07MinusBelowNeg07Frac, CircTwiceBelow0Frac, and their _allstars versions.
16 March, 2016: A "Subhalo Matching To Dark" catalog for Illustris-1, Illustris-2 and Illustris-3 has been released. This gives, for each subhalo in the full physics box, the matching subhalo in the DM-only run, at the same resolution. See the documentation for more details.
Dylan Nelson
17 Mar '16
17 March, 2016: The descriptions of the BH_Pressure and BH_U fields (for blackhole particle-level data) in the documentation have been revised for clarity.
Dylan Nelson
18 Apr '16
18 April, 2016: A new supplementary data catalog "(e) Multi-Redshift Non-Parametric Stellar Morphologies" has been added for Illustris-1, extending the previous "non-parametric morphologies" data which had been available only for z=0. (update from Greg Snyder).
Dylan Nelson
19 May '16
20 May, 2016: The description of the LastStarTime field for tracer particles in the documentation has been revised for clarity.
Dylan Nelson
22 Jul '16
22 July, 2016: A new set of Stellar Mocks FITS files (z=0 only) are available, restricted to subhalo stars only. This is in contrast to the previously available "broadband.fits" files which contained all stars in the parent halo within the imaging region. Therefore, all stars not gravitationally bound to the galaxy of interest are excluded in this new data, including any other nearby galaxies. These contain only integrated SEDs, and not broadband images. These are available for subhalos with greater than 500 star particles. (update from Paul Torrey).
Dylan Nelson
21 Sep '16
21 September, 2016: A new supplementary data catalog "(f) Blackhole Mergers and Details" has been added for all FP runs (Illustris-1, -2 and -3). This includes information on all SMBH mergers and properties at high time resolution, information which was not previously available in any form. See the new data documentation for details. (update from Luke Kelley).
20 Oct, 2016: A new supplementary data catalog "(g) Stellar Assembly" has been added for all FP runs (Illustris-1, -2 and -3). This includes details on the stellar assembly process of all galaxies across all snapshots, focusing on in situ vs. ex situ stellar mass growth, the contribution from star formation before or after infall, the role of major and/or minor mergers and flyby encounters. See the new data documentation for details. (update from Vicente Rodriguez-Gomez).
Dylan Nelson
25 Nov '16
25 Nov, 2016: A new supplementary data catalog "(i) Halo/galaxy angular momentum and baryon content" has been added for Illustris-1 and Illustris-1-Dark (z=0 snapshot). It includes details on the angular momentum contents, energies, and rotation of the different baryonic components, measured for every halo and galaxy. (update from Jolanta Zjupa).
Dylan Nelson
11 Apr '17
11 Apr, 2017: A new supplementary data catalog "(h) Photometry, Morphology, Strong-lensing and Dynamics (PMSD)" has been added for Illustris-1 (covering 10 snapshots from z=0.1 to z=1.0). It contains many associated measurements primarily from the strong-lensing perspective. (update from Dandan Xu).
Dylan Nelson
2 Jun '17
2 June, 2017: New functionality has been added to the web API. Individual fields can now be downloaded from group catalogs, without needing to download the entire catalog. See the API reference documentation under [base]/groupcat-{num}/?{subset_query}. For example, this link downloads just the Illustris-1 z=0 subhalo SFRs.
Dylan Nelson
21 Aug '17
21 August, 2017: New functionality has been added to the web API. The descendant branch(es) of the SubLink merger tree (i.e. towards lower redshift) can now be obtained for any given halo at any snapshot. See the API reference documentation under [base]/subhalos/{id}/sublink/mdb.hdf5 for details. For example, this link downloads the MDB ("main descendant branch") of the central subhalo of the 10th most massive halo of Illustris-1 at z=2. Because this subhalo lies on the MPB of its z=0 descendant, the return is a single tree branch. Note that if the selected subhalo does not lie on the MPB of its z=0 descendant, then the return is the full descendant merger tree which contains as its first entry the z=0 descendant of this subhalo.
Dylan Nelson
17 Oct '17
17 October, 2017: A new supplementary data catalog "(j) Mock Deep Field Lightcones (HST, JWST, WFIRST)" has been added for Illustris-1. It contains synthetic deep survey images, in particular three "mock ultra deep fields", each 2.8 arcminutes across, in common wide filters used by HST, as well as in filters expected to be used widely by observers with JWST and WFIRST. See the data documentation for more information. (update from Greg Snyder).
16 November, 2017: The units of the Volume field for gas cells were previously given incorrectly as the reciprocal. The correct units are (ckpc/h)^3, and the documentation has been updated.
Dylan Nelson
22 Dec '17
22 December, 2017: The units of the angular momentum quantities in the supplementary catalog "(i) Halo/galaxy angular momentum and baryon content" have been fixed, they previously included only one factor of little h, but the correct value is h^2.
Dylan Nelson
2 Feb '18
2 February, 2018: New functionality has been added to the web API. A "simple.json" return is available for the SubLink tree, which gives information about the main progenitor branch of a subhalo, and a list of its past mergers, only. In both cases a pair of (snapshot number, subhalo ID) are given. For example, this link shows a history with three merger events. See the API reference documentation under [base]/subhalos/{id}/sublink/ for details. (thanks to Zephyr Penoyre).
Dylan Nelson
20 Dec '18
17 December, 2018: The public data release of the first two simulations of IllustrisTNG: these are the TNG100 and TNG300 volumes (see paper on arxiv).
Dylan Nelson
25 Feb '19
25 February, 2019: A new TNG supplementary data catalog "(h) Subbox Subhalo List" has been added for all TNG baryonic simulations with subboxes. It contains information on which subhalos/galaxies/halos pass through each subbox over time, allowing high time-resolution analyses and visualization. See the data documentation for more information. (update from Dylan Nelson).
Dylan Nelson
1 Mar '19
1 March, 2019: A new TNG supplementary data catalog "(i) Molecular and atomic hydrogen (HI+H2) galaxy contents" has been added for TNG100-1, TNG100-2, TNG300-1, and Illustris-1. This contains several models of the HI and H2 (molecular hydrogen) mass per subhalo. See the data documentation for more information. (update from Benedikt Diemer).
Dylan Nelson
2 Mar '19
3 March, 2019: A new TNG supplementary data catalog "(l) SKIRT Synthetic Images and Optical Morphologies" has been added for TNG100-1 (currently z=0 and z=0.05). This contains post-processed dust radiative transfer calculations with SKIRT to derive broadband images, as well as the results of automatic morphological classification measures. See the data documentation for more information. (update from Vicente Rodriguez-Gomez).
19 March, 2019: The Stellar Circularities, Angular Momenta, Axis Ratios supplementary catalog has been produced and released for TNG100 and TNG300 (all resolution levels). The details and information herein is exactly the same as was previously made available for the original Illustris-1 simulation. (update from Shy Genel).
Dylan Nelson
30 Apr '19
30 April, 2019: A first part of the (d) Subhalo Matching Between Runs catalog has been released, covering matching between all baryonic runs and their dark matter only counterparts (all TNG100 and TNG300 boxes). This gives, for each subhalo in the full physics box, the matching subhalo in the DM-only run, at the same resolution. See the documentation for more details. (update from Dylan Nelson).
Dylan Nelson
17 May '19
27 May, 2019: The LHaloTree merger tree for the TNG100-1 run (only) has been re-made. If you have been using this tree, or have downloaded it previously, please download it again, as the old version was incorrect. The checksums and offsets have been updated accordingly.
Dylan Nelson
18 Oct '19
17 Oct, 2019: All parts of the Illustris and TNG websites are now HTTPS (encrypted) by default. Please report any issues.
Dylan Nelson
23 Nov '19
23 Nov, 2019: The supplementary data catalog "(l) SKIRT Synthetic Images and Optical Morphologies", previously available for TNG100-1 (z=0 and z=0.05), is now also available for Illustris-1 (same redshifts) to faciltate comparisons. This contains post-processed dust radiative transfer calculations with SKIRT to derive broadband images, as well as the results of automatic morphological classification measures. See the data documentation for more information.
Dylan Nelson
9 Dec '19
9 Dec, 2019: A new supplementary data catalog "(k) SDSS Photometry, Colors, and Mock Fiber Spectra" has been released, for TNG100-1 and TNG300-1. (update from Dylan Nelson).
Dylan Nelson
13 Dec '19
13 Dec, 2019: The Plot Group Catalog tool has been upgraded: (i) it is now significantly faster for more effective interactive use, (ii) several more properties of galaxies and halos have been added, and (iii) tooltips with complete descriptions are available if you hover over properties. (update from Dylan Nelson).
Dylan Nelson
17 Feb '20
10 Feb, 2020: A new supplementary data catalog `"(m) Disk Galaxy Kinematic Decompositions" has been released, for TNG100-1 at z=0. This includes mass fractions of components such as bulge, halo, cold disk, and so on, determined with an automatic gaussian mixture model technique. (update from Min Du).
Dylan Nelson
20 Feb '20
17 Feb, 2020: A new supplementary data catalog `"(j) Barred Galaxies Properties and Evolution" has been released, for TNG100-1 at z=0. This includes the barred galaxy catalog, and measurement of bar properties across time. (update from Yetli Rosas-Guevara).
24 Apr, 2020: The Stellar Assembly supplementary data catalog, previously available for original Illustris, is also now available for all TNG baryonic runs of TNG100 and TNG300. (update from Vicente Rodriguez-Gomez).
31 Apr, 2020: A new supplementary data catalog "(n) L-Galaxies Semi-Analytical Model"has been released, for TNG100-1 and TNG300-1 (all snapshots/redshifts). This gives the output of the L-Galaxies SAM, run on the TNG dark matter only simulations, for comparison. (update from Reza Ayromlou).
Dylan Nelson
25 May '20
25 May, 2020: A new TNG supplementary data catalog "(e) Stellar Projected Sizes" has been added for TNG100-1 and TNG300-1. This contains projected half-light radii of various types for galaxies. See the data documentation for more information. (update from Shy Genel).
7 July, 2020: A new TNG supplementary data catalog "(o) Lensing Profiles" has been added for TNG100-1 and TNG300-1 (redshift zero). This contains projected mass profiles and weak lensing related contents. See the data documentation for more information. (update from Malin Renneby).
Dylan Nelson
21 Sep '20
15 Sep, 2020: The supplementary data catalog "(j) Barred Galaxies Properties and Evolution"has been extended. This update includes a new, complementary analysis on the occurence and properties of barred galaxies in TNG100-1 at z=0. (update from Dongyao Zhao).
2 Dec, 2020: A new WebGL volume rendering capability has been added to Explorer3D for interactive exploration. Needs a modern web browser, and reasonably fast GPU for large datasets. Currently allows user-specified transfer functions and colormaps, switching between a number of simulations and gas properties: density, temperature, velocity, and x-ray luminosity. (update from Dylan Nelson).
Dylan Nelson
31 Jan '21
1 Feb, 2021: The third and final volume of the original IllustrisTNG boxes, TNG50, is publicly released.
Dylan Nelson
25 Mar '21
25 Mar, 2021: The units of PartType0/GFM_AGNRadiation have been clarified. (update from Chris Byrohl)
Dylan Nelson
31 Mar '21
31 Mar, 2021: The post-processing catalog Molecular and atomic hydrogen (HI+H2) galaxy contents has been updated with minor fixes. While the average properties are all unchanged, values for individual galaxies can change be a few 10s of percent. (update from Benedikt Diemer).
Dylan Nelson
28 Apr '21
28 Apr, 2021: The supplementary data catalog "(m) Disk Galaxy Kinematic Decompositions"has been updated to include TNG50-1 at z=0. This includes mass fractions of components such as bulge, halo, cold disk, and so on, determined with an automatic gaussian mixture model technique. (update from Min Du).
Dylan Nelson
21 May '21
21 May, 2021: A new supplementary catalog "(b) Star Formation Rates"has been added, for all TNG and Illustris hydro runs. It contains time-averaged, rather than instantaneous, SFRs of galaxies, in various apertures. (update from Annalisa Pillepich).
Dylan Nelson
21 May '21
21 May, 2021: A new supplementary catalog "(p) Aperture Masses (Stellar and Total)"has been added, for all TNG hydro runs. It contains galaxy mass measurements in various physical (kpc) apertures, including stellar masses within 30pkpc, a frequently used fiducial definition of galaxy stellar mass. (update from Chris Engler).
Dylan Nelson
25 May '21
25 May, 2021: The Visualize Galaxies and Halos tool has been updated. Now, whenever an option is changed, the current URL is updated correspondingly. This allows users to easily share a URL corresponding to their current visualization. (update from Dylan Nelson).
Dylan Nelson
7 Sep '21
7 Sep, 2021: A new supplementary catalog "(q) Halo Structure"has been added, for TNG hydro and dark matter only runs. It contains halo structural measurements such as concentrations, shapes, and assembly information. (update from Dhayaa Anbajagane).
Dylan Nelson
28 Oct '21
28 Oct, 2021: A bug has been fixed in the "Visualize Galaxies and Halos" online tool, which affected any images of stellar light made for observed bands (StellarBandObsFrame-*) for snapshots whose redshift was not divisible by 0.1. This particularly affected snapshots with 0.1<z<0.0 (excluding the end points), while the impact at higher redshift would have been small. Rest-frame visualizations were not affected. (bug report from Mathilda Avirett-Mackenzie).
Dylan Nelson
29 Oct '21
29 Oct, 2021: A new supplementary catalog "(r) Galaxy Morphologies (Deep Learning)"has been added, for TNG50-1 and TNG100-1. It contains visual-like galaxy morphological classifications, based on a deep learning approach. For TNG50 these are available at high redshift (0.5 < z < 3) and are based on CANDELS-like galaxy imaging. For TNG100 these are available at low redshift (z ~ 0) and are based on SDSS-like galaxy imaging. (update from Marc Huertas-Company).
17 Nov, 2021: A new supplementary catalog "(a) Tracer Tracks"has been added, for TNG100-1, -2, and -3. It provides time-ordered, and halo/subhalo-ordered, tracer evolutionary histories, to aid in using the Monte Carlo tracer particles (PartType3) for analyzing the Lagrangian evolution of baryonic mass in gas, stars, or SMBHs. (update from Dylan Nelson).
26 Nov, 2021: A new Simulation Landscape page has been added, giving an overview of the different cosmological hydrodynamical simulations run by the community, notes about public availability, and a comparison of their results. (update from Dylan Nelson).
8 Feb, 2022: A bug has been fixed in the (p) Aperture Masses (Total and Stellar) supplementary catalog. The previous values for 10pkpc total masses were wrong (and simply equal to the 30pkpc total masses), which has been corrected. (update from Chris Engler).
Dylan Nelson
13 Feb '22
13 Feb, 2022: A new supplementary catalog "(s) Cosmic web distances (DisPerSE)"has been added, for TNG100-1 and TNG300-1 at select snapshots between z=0 and z=2. It computes the cosmic web of filaments, nodes, and voids, and provides distances between galaxies and these topological structures. (update from Chris Duckworth).
Dylan Nelson
19 Feb '22
19 Feb, 2022: The supplementary data catalog "(j) Barred Galaxies Properties and Evolution", previously available TNG100-1, has been extended to include TNG50-1 at snapshots from z=0 to z=4. (update from Yetli Rosas-Guevara).
Dylan Nelson
20 Jun '22
9 June, 2022: A new supplementary catalog "(t) Galaxy Morphologies (Kinematic) and Bar Properties"has been added, for TNG50-1 at all redshifts/snapshots. It contains kinematic-based morphological decompositions into thin disc, thick disc, bulge, pseudo bulge, and halo components of the stellar bodies of galaxies. It also contains a bar identification, together with bar strength and size measurements. (update from Tommaso Zana).
Dylan Nelson
21 Jun '22
21 June, 2022: The supplementary data catalog including stellar photometry/colors for SDSS bands has been renamed to "(k) SDSS ugriz and UVJ Photometry/Colors with Dust" as it now also includes a second catalog with UVJ photometry, for TNG100-1 and TNG300-1, at z=0, 0.75, 1.0, 1.75, 2.0, 2.2 using the same dust attenuation models. (update from Dylan Nelson).
Dylan Nelson
5 Jul '22
5 July, 2022: A new supplementary catalog "(u) LEGA-C/VIMOS Mock Optical Spectra"has been added. It contains synthetic spectra for TNG100-1 galaxies at intermediate redshifts, from z=0.6 to z=1, matched in characteristics and with high realism with respect to the LEGA-C spectroscopic survey. (update from Po-Feng Wu).
Dylan Nelson
9 Aug '22
29 July, 2022: A new supplementary catalog "(v) JWST-CEERS Mock Galaxy Imaging"has been added. It contains synthetic synthetic images for JWST-like NIRCam and MIRI observations of high-redshift galaxies, from z=3 to z=6, from TNG50-1. (update from Luca Costantin).
Dylan Nelson
16 Aug '22
16 August, 2022: A new supplementary catalog "(w) Multi-band (UV to submm) Photometry and SEDs"has been added. It contains synthetic multi-wavelength photometry and SEDs, for TNG50-1 at low redshift, across a wide wavelength range. (update from Ana Trčka).
Dylan Nelson
10 Nov '22
23 Sep, 2022: A new supplementary catalog "(x) Globular Clusters"has been added. It contains a catalog of globular clusters in high-mass TNG50 halos at redshift zero, based on a post-processing modeling technique. (update from Jessica Doppel).
Dylan Nelson
12 Nov '22
11 Nov, 2022: The TNG supplementary data catalog "(l) SKIRT Synthetic Images and Optical Morphologies" has been updated. In addition to Pan-STARRS and SDSS stellar light image mocks, it now includes mocks specific to the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS), for all galaxies with M* > 1e8 Msun, from TNG50 at redshift z=0.0337. See the data documentation for more information. (update from Alejandro Guzman-Ortega).
Dylan Nelson
5 Jan '23
5 Jan, 2023: A new supplementary catalog "(y) Merger History"has been added. It contains information and statistics on galaxy mergers (major, minor, and all), for all TNG simulations and all snapshots. (update from Lukas Eisert and Vicente Rodriguez-Gomez).
22 Feb, 2023: A new supplementary catalog "(z) MaNGIA Mock MANGA IFU Cubes"has been added. It contains 10,000 MaNGA-like (IFU datacube) mocks from TNG50 galaxies for stellar population analysis. (update from Regina Sarmiento).
29 Mar, 2023: The TNG50 Milky Way+Andromeda Sample and Data Release page is now available. The accompanying paper describes the selection of the sample of MW/M31-like galaxies in the TNG50 simulation, and makes a number of unique data products available for their analysis (update from Annalisa Pillepich).
29 Mar, 2023: A new supplementary catalog "(2) HVC-like Cosmological Cloud Catalog"has been added. It is a library of physical properties of cool clouds in the circumgalactic medium of Milky Way-like galaxies from TNG50. These objects are possible High Velocity Cloud (HVC) and/or Intermediate Velocity Cloud (IVC) analogs. (update from Rahul Ramesh).
Dylan Nelson
20 Apr '23
20 April, 2023: A new supplementary catalog "(3) Zooniverse Cosmological Jellyfish"has been added. It contains citizen science (visual) classifications of a large number of satellite galaxies, to determine if they exhibit jellyfish-like morphologies i.e. extended tails of gas consistent with ram pressure stripping. (update from Elad Zinger).
Dylan Nelson
2 Aug '23
2 August, 2023: The TNG50 supplementary catalog "(t) Galaxy Morphologies (Kinematic) and Bar Properties"has been updated with a correction. The previous catalog had incorrect values for snapshot 32 (only), and this has been fixed. The updated catalog has replaced the previous catalog. (update from Tommaso Zana).
Dylan Nelson
9 Aug '23
8 August, 2023: A new supplementary catalog "(4) iMaNGA Mock MANGA IFU Datacubes"has been added. It contains mock IFU datacubes for ~1500 TNG50 galaxies, matched in sample and observational characteristics with the SDSS-IV/MaNGA survey. (update from Lorenza Nanni).
Dylan Nelson
17 Aug '23
17 August, 2023: The Lab interface has been updated. The underlying OS that your Lab session runs on has been updated from Ubuntu 18 (bionic) to Ubuntu 20 (focal). Most importantly, the available Python version has been updated to 3.11, and all Python package versions are updated. In the future, please use pip install package to add additional packages, or for better package management, create a new mamba environment. The IDL version has been updated to 8.8, the Matlab version to 2022a, the Julia version to 1.9, and the R version to 4.3. JupyterLab itself has been updated to v3.6.5, with various new features. Usefully, on the upper-right of the Lab, you will now see a memory usage indicator, showing the default 10GB memory limit. (update from Dylan Nelson).
Dylan Nelson
23 Aug '23
23 August, 2023: The SubhaloFlag field from the group catalogs is now available in the online API. You can see the value for all subhalos, and also use it e.g. in API searches. For simulations without this field (e.g. original Illustris), all subhalos have been given a value of 1, indicating 'good'. (update from Dylan Nelson).
Dylan Nelson
30 Aug '23
30 August, 2023: A new supplementary catalog "(5) Synthetic Stellar Light Images with HSC-SSP Realism"has been added. It contains mock stellar light images with HSC-like realism at 0.1<z<0.4 from TNG50 and TNG100. (update from Connor Bottrelli).
Dylan Nelson
19 Sep '23
19 September, 2023: You can now download individual merger trees, for a given subhalo, from the SubLink_Gal merger tree. This is an alternative to SubLink, described in the original Rodriguez-Gomez+16 paper, but never publicly released. It is available for subhalos in baryonic runs only (not dark matter only runs). Instead of using dark matter particles to track subhalos through time, it uses stars as well as gas. It generally gives the same result as SubLink, but in some cases may be particularly useful or more suited. All four tree types (full, MPB, MDB, and simple) are available using the API. (update from Dylan Nelson).
Dylan Nelson
20 Oct '23
20 October, 2023: The units of the PartType0/MagneticFieldDivergence field have been updated to clarify that they are in Heaviside-Lorentz and not Gauss, unlike the corresponding MagneticField values that are already in Gauss. (update from Rahul Ramesh).
13 Nov, 2023: First results from the new TNG-Cluster simulation are published. The full public data release is planned for early 2025.
Dylan Nelson
25 Jan '24
25 January, 2024: A new supplementary catalog "(6) Nearest Neighbors"has been added. It contains counts of nearby galaxies as a probe of environment and environmental density. (update from Rodrigo Flores-Freitas).
Dylan Nelson
29 Jan '24
29 January, 2024: A new supplementary catalog "(7) TNG50-SKIRT Atlas"has been added. It contains synthetic stellar light images of TNG50-1 galaxies at z=0, in various bands, created with the SKIRT dust radiative transfer code. (update from Maarten Baes).
Dylan Nelson
7 May '24
7 May, 2024: The supplementary data catalog "(w) Multi-band (UV to submm) Photometry and SEDs", previously available for TNG50 is now also available for TNG100-1, at the same redshifts and with identical processing. See the data documentation for more information. (update from Andrea Gebek).
Dylan Nelson
3 Dec '24
3 Dec, 2024: A new supplementary catalog under "(j) Barred Galaxies Properties and Evolution"has been added. It contains information on the time evolution of bars, using both ellipse fitting and Fourier methods, for TNG50-1 and TNG100-1 (update from Min Du and Shuai Lu).
This post will always contain a complete and up-to-date change log. You can enable Notifications on this topic to automatically receive an email for any update.
Chronological change log:
Stellar Circularities, Angular Momenta, Axis Ratios
supplementary catalog to include most snapshots of Illustris-1 (13 through 135 for circularities and momenta, 38 through 135 for axis ratios). In addition, a minor bug was fixed which would have previously affected the z=0 values for only a small percentage of subhalos. (update from Shy Genel)Stellar Mocks: Multi-band Images and SEDs
supplementary dataset, for additional redshifts/snapshots of Illustris-1. In particular, z = 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0 (twelve additional redshifts in addition to the data which remains the same for z=0). For each of these redshifts, both rest-frame and redshifted FITS files are available. The corresponding documentation is updated, as is the 'stellar mocks' section of the API reference. (update from Paul Torrey)Potential
field for all four particle types were previously given incorrectly, having omitted a scale factor. The correct units are(km/s)^2/a
, and the documentation has been updated. (Note also: Potential not available in DM-only runs).Stellar Circularities, Angular Momenta, Axis Ratios
catalog for Illustris-1 has been updated due to the previous Potential units change. The following fields were incorrect (at z>0 only) and are now fixed: CircAbove07Frac, CircAbove07MinusBelowNeg07Frac, CircTwiceBelow0Frac, and their _allstars versions."Subhalo Matching To Dark"
catalog for Illustris-1, Illustris-2 and Illustris-3 has been released. This gives, for each subhalo in the full physics box, the matching subhalo in the DM-only run, at the same resolution. See the documentation for more details.BH_Pressure
fields (for blackhole particle-level data) in the documentation have been revised for clarity."(e) Multi-Redshift Non-Parametric Stellar Morphologies"
has been added for Illustris-1, extending the previous "non-parametric morphologies" data which had been available only for z=0. (update from Greg Snyder).LastStarTime
field for tracer particles in the documentation has been revised for clarity.Stellar Mocks FITS: SEDs (z=0 only)
are available, restricted to subhalo stars only. This is in contrast to the previously available "broadband.fits" files which contained all stars in the parent halo within the imaging region. Therefore, all stars not gravitationally bound to the galaxy of interest are excluded in this new data, including any other nearby galaxies. These contain only integrated SEDs, and not broadband images. These are available for subhalos with greater than 500 star particles. (update from Paul Torrey)."(f) Blackhole Mergers and Details"
has been added for all FP runs (Illustris-1, -2 and -3). This includes information on all SMBH mergers and properties at high time resolution, information which was not previously available in any form. See the new data documentation for details. (update from Luke Kelley)."(g) Stellar Assembly"
has been added for all FP runs (Illustris-1, -2 and -3). This includes details on the stellar assembly process of all galaxies across all snapshots, focusing on in situ vs. ex situ stellar mass growth, the contribution from star formation before or after infall, the role of major and/or minor mergers and flyby encounters. See the new data documentation for details. (update from Vicente Rodriguez-Gomez)."(i) Halo/galaxy angular momentum and baryon content"
has been added for Illustris-1 and Illustris-1-Dark (z=0 snapshot). It includes details on the angular momentum contents, energies, and rotation of the different baryonic components, measured for every halo and galaxy. (update from Jolanta Zjupa)."(h) Photometry, Morphology, Strong-lensing and Dynamics (PMSD)"
has been added for Illustris-1 (covering 10 snapshots from z=0.1 to z=1.0). It contains many associated measurements primarily from the strong-lensing perspective. (update from Dandan Xu).[base]/groupcat-{num}/?{subset_query}
. For example, this link downloads just the Illustris-1 z=0 subhalo SFRs.[base]/subhalos/{id}/sublink/mdb.hdf5
for details. For example, this link downloads the MDB ("main descendant branch") of the central subhalo of the 10th most massive halo of Illustris-1 at z=2. Because this subhalo lies on the MPB of its z=0 descendant, the return is a single tree branch. Note that if the selected subhalo does not lie on the MPB of its z=0 descendant, then the return is the full descendant merger tree which contains as its first entry the z=0 descendant of this subhalo."(j) Mock Deep Field Lightcones (HST, JWST, WFIRST)"
has been added for Illustris-1. It contains synthetic deep survey images, in particular three "mock ultra deep fields", each 2.8 arcminutes across, in common wide filters used by HST, as well as in filters expected to be used widely by observers with JWST and WFIRST. See the data documentation for more information. (update from Greg Snyder).Volume
field for gas cells were previously given incorrectly as the reciprocal. The correct units are(ckpc/h)^3
, and the documentation has been updated."(i) Halo/galaxy angular momentum and baryon content"
have been fixed, they previously included only one factor of littleh
, but the correct value ish^2
for details. (thanks to Zephyr Penoyre)."(h) Subbox Subhalo List"
has been added for all TNG baryonic simulations with subboxes. It contains information on which subhalos/galaxies/halos pass through each subbox over time, allowing high time-resolution analyses and visualization. See the data documentation for more information. (update from Dylan Nelson)."(i) Molecular and atomic hydrogen (HI+H2) galaxy contents"
has been added for TNG100-1, TNG100-2, TNG300-1, and Illustris-1. This contains several models of the HI and H2 (molecular hydrogen) mass per subhalo. See the data documentation for more information. (update from Benedikt Diemer)."(l) SKIRT Synthetic Images and Optical Morphologies"
has been added for TNG100-1 (currently z=0 and z=0.05). This contains post-processed dust radiative transfer calculations with SKIRT to derive broadband images, as well as the results of automatic morphological classification measures. (update from Vicente Rodriguez-Gomez).(c) Stellar Circularities, Angular Momenta, Axis Ratios
supplementary catalog has been produced and released for TNG100 and TNG300 (all resolution levels). The details and information herein is exactly the same as was previously made available for the original Illustris-1 simulation. (update from Shy Genel).(d) Subhalo Matching Between Runs
catalog has been released, matching between all baryonic runs and their dark matter only counterparts (all TNG100 and TNG300 boxes). This gives, for each subhalo in the full physics box, the matching subhalo in the DM-only run, at the same resolution. See the documentation for more details. (update from Dylan Nelson)."(l) SKIRT Synthetic Images and Optical Morphologies"
, previously available for TNG100-1 (z=0 and z=0.05), is now also available for Illustris-1 (same redshifts) to faciltate comparisons. This contains post-processed dust radiative transfer calculations with SKIRT to derive broadband images, as well as the results of automatic morphological classification measures. See the data documentation for more information."(k) SDSS Photometry, Colors, and Mock Fiber Spectra"
has been released, for TNG100-1 and TNG300-1. (update from Dylan Nelson)."(m) Disk Galaxy Kinematic Decompositions"
has been released, for TNG100-1 at z=0. This includes mass fractions of components such as bulge, halo, cold disk, and so on, determined with an automatic gaussian mixture model technique. (update from Min Du)."(j) Barred Galaxies Properties and Evolution"
has been released, for TNG100-1 at z=0. This includes the barred galaxy catalog, and measurement of bar properties across time. (update from Yetli Rosas-Guevara).Stellar Assembly
supplementary data catalog, previously available for original Illustris, is also now available for all TNG baryonic runs of TNG100 and TNG300. (update from Vicente Rodriguez-Gomez)."(n) L-Galaxies Semi-Analytical Model"
has been released, for TNG100-1 and TNG300-1 (all snapshots/redshifts). This gives the output of the L-Galaxies SAM, run on the TNG dark matter only simulations, for comparison. (update from Reza Ayromlou)."(e) Stellar Projected Sizes"
has been added for TNG100-1 and TNG300-1. This contains projected half-light radii of various types for galaxies. See the data documentation for more information. (update from Shy Genel)."(o) Lensing Profiles"
has been added for TNG100-1 and TNG300-1 (redshift zero). This contains projected mass profiles and weak lensing related contents. See the data documentation for more information. (update from Malin Renneby)."(j) Barred Galaxies Properties and Evolution"
has been extended. This update includes a new, complementary analysis on the occurence and properties of barred galaxies in TNG100-1 at z=0. (update from Dongyao Zhao).PartType0/GFM_AGNRadiation
have been clarified. (update from Chris Byrohl)"(m) Disk Galaxy Kinematic Decompositions"
has been updated to include TNG50-1 at z=0. This includes mass fractions of components such as bulge, halo, cold disk, and so on, determined with a gaussian mixture model technique. (update from Min Du)."(b) Star Formation Rates"
has been added, for all TNG and Illustris hydro runs. It contains time-averaged, rather than instantaneous, SFRs of galaxies, in various apertures. (update from Annalisa Pillepich)."(p) Aperture Masses (Stellar and Total)"
has been added, for all TNG hydro runs. It contains galaxy mass measurements in various physical (kpc) apertures, including stellar masses within 30pkpc, a frequently used fiducial definition of galaxy stellar mass. (update from Chris Engler)."(q) Halo Structure"
has been added, for TNG hydro and dark matter only runs. It contains halo structural measurements such as concentrations, shapes, and assembly information. (update from Dhayaa Anbajagane).StellarBandObsFrame-*
) for snapshots whose redshift was not divisible by 0.1. This particularly affected snapshots with0.1<z<0.0
(excluding the end points), while the impact at higher redshift would have been small. Rest-frame visualizations were not affected. (bug report from Mathilda Avirett-Mackenzie)."(r) Galaxy Morphologies (Deep Learning)"
has been added, for TNG50-1 and TNG100-1. It contains visual-like galaxy morphological classifications, based on a deep learning approach. For TNG50 these are available at high redshift (0.5 < z < 3) and are based on CANDELS-like galaxy imaging. For TNG100 these are available at low redshift (z ~ 0) and are based on SDSS-like galaxy imaging. (update from Marc Huertas-Company)."(a) Tracer Tracks"
has been added, for TNG100-1, -2, and -3. It provides time-ordered, and halo/subhalo-ordered, tracer evolutionary histories, to aid in using the Monte Carlo tracer particles (PartType3) for analyzing the Lagrangian evolution of baryonic mass in gas, stars, or SMBHs. (update from Dylan Nelson).(p) Aperture Masses (Total and Stellar)
supplementary catalog. The previous values for 10pkpc total masses were wrong (and simply equal to the 30pkpc total masses), which has been corrected. (update from Chris Engler)."(s) Cosmic web distances (DisPerSE)"
has been added, for TNG100-1 and TNG300-1 at select snapshots between z=0 and z=2. It computes the cosmic web of filaments, nodes, and voids, and provides distances between galaxies and these topological structures. (update from Chris Duckworth)."(j) Barred Galaxies Properties and Evolution"
, previously available TNG100-1, has been extended to include TNG50-1 at snapshots from z=0 to z=4. (update from Yetli Rosas-Guevara)."(t) Galaxy Morphologies (Kinematic) and Bar Properties"
has been added, for TNG50-1 at all redshifts/snapshots. It contains kinematic-based morphological decompositions into thin disc, thick disc, bulge, pseudo bulge, and halo components of the stellar bodies of galaxies. It also contains a bar identification, together with bar strength and size measurements. (update from Tommaso Zana)."(k) SDSS ugriz and UVJ Photometry/Colors with Dust"
as it now also includes a second catalog with UVJ photometry, for TNG100-1 and TNG300-1, at z=0, 0.75, 1.0, 1.75, 2.0, 2.2 using the same dust attenuation models. (update from Dylan Nelson)."(u) LEGA-C/VIMOS Mock Optical Spectra"
has been added. It contains synthetic spectra for TNG100-1 galaxies at intermediate redshifts, from z=0.6 to z=1, matched in characteristics and with high realism with respect to the LEGA-C spectroscopic survey. (update from Po-Feng Wu)."(v) JWST-CEERS Mock Galaxy Imaging"
has been added. It contains synthetic synthetic images for JWST-like NIRCam and MIRI observations of high-redshift galaxies, from z=3 to z=6, from TNG50-1. (update from Luca Costantin)."(w) Multi-band (UV to submm) Photometry and SEDs"
has been added. It contains synthetic multi-wavelength photometry and SEDs, for TNG50-1 at low redshift, across a wide wavelength range. (update from Ana Trčka)."(x) Globular Clusters"
has been added. It contains a catalog of globular clusters in high-mass TNG50 halos at redshift zero, based on a post-processing modeling technique. (update from Jessica Doppel)."(l) SKIRT Synthetic Images and Optical Morphologies"
has been updated. In addition to Pan-STARRS and SDSS stellar light image mocks, it now includes mocks specific to the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS), for all galaxies with M* > 1e8 Msun, from TNG50 at redshift z=0.0337. See the data documentation for more information. (update from Alejandro Guzman-Ortega)."(y) Merger History"
has been added. It contains information and statistics on galaxy mergers (major, minor, and all), for all TNG simulations and all snapshots. (update from Lukas Eisert and Vicente Rodriguez-Gomez)."(z) MaNGIA Mock MANGA IFU Cubes"
has been added. It contains 10,000 MaNGA-like (IFU datacube) mocks from TNG50 galaxies for stellar population analysis. (update from Regina Sarmiento)."(2) HVC-like Cosmological Cloud Catalog"
has been added. It is a library of physical properties of cool clouds in the circumgalactic medium of Milky Way-like galaxies from TNG50. These objects are possible High Velocity Cloud (HVC) and/or Intermediate Velocity Cloud (IVC) analogs. (update from Rahul Ramesh)."(3) Zooniverse Cosmological Jellyfish"
has been added. It contains citizen science (visual) classifications of a large number of satellite galaxies, to determine if they exhibit jellyfish-like morphologies i.e. extended tails of gas consistent with ram pressure stripping. (update from Elad Zinger)."(t) Galaxy Morphologies (Kinematic) and Bar Properties"
has been updated with a correction. The previous catalog had incorrect values for snapshot 32 (only), and this has been fixed. The updated catalog has replaced the previous catalog. (update from Tommaso Zana)."(4) iMaNGA Mock MANGA IFU Datacubes"
has been added. It contains mock IFU datacubes for ~1500 TNG50 galaxies, matched in sample and observational characteristics with the SDSS-IV/MaNGA survey. (update from Lorenza Nanni).pip install package
to add additional packages, or for better package management, create a new mamba environment. The IDL version has been updated to 8.8, the Matlab version to 2022a, the Julia version to 1.9, and the R version to 4.3. JupyterLab itself has been updated to v3.6.5, with new features. Usefully, on the upper-right of the Lab, you will now see a memory usage indicator, showing the default 10GB memory limit. (update from Dylan Nelson).SubhaloFlag
field from the group catalogs is now available in the online API. You can see the value for all subhalos, and also use it e.g. in API searches. For simulations without this field (e.g. original Illustris), all subhalos have a value of 1, indicating 'good'. (update from Dylan Nelson)."(5) Synthetic Stellar Light Images with HSC-SSP Realism"
has been added. It contains mock stellar light images with HSC-like realism at 0.1<z<0.4 from TNG50 and TNG100. (update from Connor Bottrelli).SubLink_Gal
merger tree. This is an alternative toSubLink
, described in the original Rodriguez-Gomez+16 paper, but never publicly released. It is available for subhalos in baryonic runs only (not dark matter only runs). Instead of using dark matter particles to track subhalos through time, it uses stars as well as gas. It generally gives the same result as SubLink, but in some cases may be particularly useful or more suited. All four tree types (full, MPB, MDB, and simple) are available using the API. (update from Dylan Nelson).PartType0/MagneticFieldDivergence
field have been updated to clarify that they are in Heaviside-Lorentz and not Gauss, unlike the corresponding MagneticField values that are already in Gauss. (update from Rahul Ramesh)."(6) Nearest Neighbors"
has been added. It contains counts of nearby galaxies as a probe of environment and environmental density. (update from Rodrigo Flores-Freitas)."(7) TNG50-SKIRT Atlas"
has been added. It contains synthetic stellar light images of TNG50-1 galaxies at z=0, in various bands, created with the SKIRT dust radiative transfer code. (update from Maarten Baes)."(w) Multi-band (UV to submm) Photometry and SEDs"
, previously available for TNG50 is now also available for TNG100-1, at the same redshifts and with identical processing. See the data documentation for more information. (update from Andrea Gebek)."(j) Barred Galaxies Properties and Evolution"
has been added. It contains information on the time evolution of bars, using both ellipse fitting and Fourier methods, for TNG50-1 and TNG100-1 (update from Min Du and Shuai Lu).Future additions:
1 June, 2015: Updated the "Stellar Circularities, Angular Momenta, Axis Ratios" supplementary catalog to include most snapshots of Illustris-1 (13 through 135 for circularities and momenta, 38 through 135 for axis ratios). In addition, a minor bug was fixed which would have previously affected the z=0 values for only a small percentage of subhalos. (update from Shy Genel)
12 November, 2015: Added additional data to the "Stellar Mocks: Multi-band Images and SEDs" supplementary dataset, for additional redshifts/snapshots of Illustris-1. In particular, z = 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0 (twelve additional redshifts in addition to the data which remains the same for z=0). For each of these redshifts, both rest-frame and redshifted FITS files are available. The corresponding documentation is updated, as is the 'stellar mocks' section of the API reference. (update from Paul Torrey)
11 December, 2015: The units of the
field for all four particle types were previously given incorrectly, having omitted a scale factor. The correct units are(km/s)^2/a
, and the documentation has been updated. (Note also: Potential not available in DM-only runs).21 December, 2015: The "Stellar Circularities, Angular Momenta, Axis Ratios" catalog for Illustris-1 has been updated due to the previous Potential units change. The following fields were incorrect (at z>0 only) and are now fixed:
, and their_allstars
versions.16 March, 2016: A
"Subhalo Matching To Dark"
catalog for Illustris-1, Illustris-2 and Illustris-3 has been released. This gives, for each subhalo in the full physics box, the matching subhalo in the DM-only run, at the same resolution. See the documentation for more details.17 March, 2016: The descriptions of the
fields (for blackhole particle-level data) in the documentation have been revised for clarity.18 April, 2016: A new supplementary data catalog "(e) Multi-Redshift Non-Parametric Stellar Morphologies" has been added for Illustris-1, extending the previous "non-parametric morphologies" data which had been available only for z=0. (update from Greg Snyder).
20 May, 2016: The description of the
field for tracer particles in the documentation has been revised for clarity.22 July, 2016: A new set of
Stellar Mocks FITS files (z=0 only)
are available, restricted to subhalo stars only. This is in contrast to the previously available "broadband.fits" files which contained all stars in the parent halo within the imaging region. Therefore, all stars not gravitationally bound to the galaxy of interest are excluded in this new data, including any other nearby galaxies. These contain only integrated SEDs, and not broadband images. These are available for subhalos with greater than 500 star particles. (update from Paul Torrey).21 September, 2016: A new supplementary data catalog
"(f) Blackhole Mergers and Details"
has been added for all FP runs (Illustris-1, -2 and -3). This includes information on all SMBH mergers and properties at high time resolution, information which was not previously available in any form. See the new data documentation for details. (update from Luke Kelley).20 Oct, 2016: A new supplementary data catalog
"(g) Stellar Assembly"
has been added for all FP runs (Illustris-1, -2 and -3). This includes details on the stellar assembly process of all galaxies across all snapshots, focusing on in situ vs. ex situ stellar mass growth, the contribution from star formation before or after infall, the role of major and/or minor mergers and flyby encounters. See the new data documentation for details. (update from Vicente Rodriguez-Gomez).25 Nov, 2016: A new supplementary data catalog
"(i) Halo/galaxy angular momentum and baryon content"
has been added for Illustris-1 and Illustris-1-Dark (z=0 snapshot). It includes details on the angular momentum contents, energies, and rotation of the different baryonic components, measured for every halo and galaxy. (update from Jolanta Zjupa).11 Apr, 2017: A new supplementary data catalog
"(h) Photometry, Morphology, Strong-lensing and Dynamics (PMSD)"
has been added for Illustris-1 (covering 10 snapshots from z=0.1 to z=1.0). It contains many associated measurements primarily from the strong-lensing perspective. (update from Dandan Xu).2 June, 2017: New functionality has been added to the web API. Individual fields can now be downloaded from group catalogs, without needing to download the entire catalog. See the API reference documentation under
. For example, this link downloads just the Illustris-1 z=0 subhalo SFRs.21 August, 2017: New functionality has been added to the web API. The descendant branch(es) of the SubLink merger tree (i.e. towards lower redshift) can now be obtained for any given halo at any snapshot. See the API reference documentation under
for details. For example, this link downloads the MDB ("main descendant branch") of the central subhalo of the 10th most massive halo of Illustris-1 at z=2. Because this subhalo lies on the MPB of its z=0 descendant, the return is a single tree branch. Note that if the selected subhalo does not lie on the MPB of its z=0 descendant, then the return is the full descendant merger tree which contains as its first entry the z=0 descendant of this subhalo.17 October, 2017: A new supplementary data catalog
"(j) Mock Deep Field Lightcones (HST, JWST, WFIRST)"
has been added for Illustris-1. It contains synthetic deep survey images, in particular three "mock ultra deep fields", each 2.8 arcminutes across, in common wide filters used by HST, as well as in filters expected to be used widely by observers with JWST and WFIRST. See the data documentation for more information. (update from Greg Snyder).16 November, 2017: The units of the
field for gas cells were previously given incorrectly as the reciprocal. The correct units are(ckpc/h)^3
, and the documentation has been updated.22 December, 2017: The units of the angular momentum quantities in the supplementary catalog
"(i) Halo/galaxy angular momentum and baryon content"
have been fixed, they previously included only one factor of littleh
, but the correct value ish^2
.2 February, 2018: New functionality has been added to the web API. A "simple.json" return is available for the SubLink tree, which gives information about the main progenitor branch of a subhalo, and a list of its past mergers, only. In both cases a pair of (snapshot number, subhalo ID) are given. For example, this link shows a history with three merger events. See the API reference documentation under
for details. (thanks to Zephyr Penoyre).17 December, 2018: The public data release of the first two simulations of IllustrisTNG: these are the TNG100 and TNG300 volumes (see paper on arxiv).
25 February, 2019: A new TNG supplementary data catalog
"(h) Subbox Subhalo List"
has been added for all TNG baryonic simulations with subboxes. It contains information on which subhalos/galaxies/halos pass through each subbox over time, allowing high time-resolution analyses and visualization. See the data documentation for more information. (update from Dylan Nelson).1 March, 2019: A new TNG supplementary data catalog
"(i) Molecular and atomic hydrogen (HI+H2) galaxy contents"
has been added for TNG100-1, TNG100-2, TNG300-1, and Illustris-1. This contains several models of the HI and H2 (molecular hydrogen) mass per subhalo. See the data documentation for more information. (update from Benedikt Diemer).3 March, 2019: A new TNG supplementary data catalog
"(l) SKIRT Synthetic Images and Optical Morphologies"
has been added for TNG100-1 (currently z=0 and z=0.05). This contains post-processed dust radiative transfer calculations with SKIRT to derive broadband images, as well as the results of automatic morphological classification measures. See the data documentation for more information. (update from Vicente Rodriguez-Gomez).19 March, 2019: The
Stellar Circularities, Angular Momenta, Axis Ratios
supplementary catalog has been produced and released for TNG100 and TNG300 (all resolution levels). The details and information herein is exactly the same as was previously made available for the original Illustris-1 simulation. (update from Shy Genel).30 April, 2019: A first part of the
(d) Subhalo Matching Between Runs
catalog has been released, covering matching between all baryonic runs and their dark matter only counterparts (all TNG100 and TNG300 boxes). This gives, for each subhalo in the full physics box, the matching subhalo in the DM-only run, at the same resolution. See the documentation for more details. (update from Dylan Nelson).27 May, 2019: The LHaloTree merger tree for the TNG100-1 run (only) has been re-made. If you have been using this tree, or have downloaded it previously, please download it again, as the old version was incorrect. The checksums and offsets have been updated accordingly.
17 Oct, 2019: All parts of the Illustris and TNG websites are now HTTPS (encrypted) by default. Please report any issues.
23 Nov, 2019: The supplementary data catalog
"(l) SKIRT Synthetic Images and Optical Morphologies"
, previously available for TNG100-1 (z=0 and z=0.05), is now also available for Illustris-1 (same redshifts) to faciltate comparisons. This contains post-processed dust radiative transfer calculations with SKIRT to derive broadband images, as well as the results of automatic morphological classification measures. See the data documentation for more information.9 Dec, 2019: A new supplementary data catalog
"(k) SDSS Photometry, Colors, and Mock Fiber Spectra"
has been released, for TNG100-1 and TNG300-1. (update from Dylan Nelson).13 Dec, 2019: The Plot Group Catalog tool has been upgraded: (i) it is now significantly faster for more effective interactive use, (ii) several more properties of galaxies and halos have been added, and (iii) tooltips with complete descriptions are available if you hover over properties. (update from Dylan Nelson).
10 Feb, 2020: A new supplementary data catalog `"(m) Disk Galaxy Kinematic Decompositions" has been released, for TNG100-1 at z=0. This includes mass fractions of components such as bulge, halo, cold disk, and so on, determined with an automatic gaussian mixture model technique. (update from Min Du).
17 Feb, 2020: A new supplementary data catalog `"(j) Barred Galaxies Properties and Evolution" has been released, for TNG100-1 at z=0. This includes the barred galaxy catalog, and measurement of bar properties across time. (update from Yetli Rosas-Guevara).
24 Apr, 2020: The
Stellar Assembly
supplementary data catalog, previously available for original Illustris, is also now available for all TNG baryonic runs of TNG100 and TNG300. (update from Vicente Rodriguez-Gomez).(pending)
31 Apr, 2020: A new supplementary data catalog
"(n) L-Galaxies Semi-Analytical Model"
has been released, for TNG100-1 and TNG300-1 (all snapshots/redshifts). This gives the output of the L-Galaxies SAM, run on the TNG dark matter only simulations, for comparison. (update from Reza Ayromlou).25 May, 2020: A new TNG supplementary data catalog
"(e) Stellar Projected Sizes"
has been added for TNG100-1 and TNG300-1. This contains projected half-light radii of various types for galaxies. See the data documentation for more information. (update from Shy Genel).7 July, 2020: A new TNG supplementary data catalog
"(o) Lensing Profiles"
has been added for TNG100-1 and TNG300-1 (redshift zero). This contains projected mass profiles and weak lensing related contents. See the data documentation for more information. (update from Malin Renneby).15 Sep, 2020: The supplementary data catalog
"(j) Barred Galaxies Properties and Evolution"
has been extended. This update includes a new, complementary analysis on the occurence and properties of barred galaxies in TNG100-1 at z=0. (update from Dongyao Zhao).2 Dec, 2020: A new WebGL volume rendering capability has been added to Explorer3D for interactive exploration. Needs a modern web browser, and reasonably fast GPU for large datasets. Currently allows user-specified transfer functions and colormaps, switching between a number of simulations and gas properties: density, temperature, velocity, and x-ray luminosity. (update from Dylan Nelson).
1 Feb, 2021: The third and final volume of the original IllustrisTNG boxes, TNG50, is publicly released.
25 Mar, 2021: The units of
have been clarified. (update from Chris Byrohl)31 Mar, 2021: The post-processing catalog Molecular and atomic hydrogen (HI+H2) galaxy contents has been updated with minor fixes. While the average properties are all unchanged, values for individual galaxies can change be a few 10s of percent. (update from Benedikt Diemer).
28 Apr, 2021: The supplementary data catalog
"(m) Disk Galaxy Kinematic Decompositions"
has been updated to include TNG50-1 at z=0. This includes mass fractions of components such as bulge, halo, cold disk, and so on, determined with an automatic gaussian mixture model technique. (update from Min Du).21 May, 2021: A new supplementary catalog
"(b) Star Formation Rates"
has been added, for all TNG and Illustris hydro runs. It contains time-averaged, rather than instantaneous, SFRs of galaxies, in various apertures. (update from Annalisa Pillepich).21 May, 2021: A new supplementary catalog
"(p) Aperture Masses (Stellar and Total)"
has been added, for all TNG hydro runs. It contains galaxy mass measurements in various physical (kpc) apertures, including stellar masses within 30pkpc, a frequently used fiducial definition of galaxy stellar mass. (update from Chris Engler).25 May, 2021: The Visualize Galaxies and Halos tool has been updated. Now, whenever an option is changed, the current URL is updated correspondingly. This allows users to easily share a URL corresponding to their current visualization. (update from Dylan Nelson).
7 Sep, 2021: A new supplementary catalog
"(q) Halo Structure"
has been added, for TNG hydro and dark matter only runs. It contains halo structural measurements such as concentrations, shapes, and assembly information. (update from Dhayaa Anbajagane).28 Oct, 2021: A bug has been fixed in the "Visualize Galaxies and Halos" online tool, which affected any images of stellar light made for observed bands (
) for snapshots whose redshift was not divisible by 0.1. This particularly affected snapshots with0.1<z<0.0
(excluding the end points), while the impact at higher redshift would have been small. Rest-frame visualizations were not affected. (bug report from Mathilda Avirett-Mackenzie).29 Oct, 2021: A new supplementary catalog
"(r) Galaxy Morphologies (Deep Learning)"
has been added, for TNG50-1 and TNG100-1. It contains visual-like galaxy morphological classifications, based on a deep learning approach. For TNG50 these are available at high redshift (0.5 < z < 3) and are based on CANDELS-like galaxy imaging. For TNG100 these are available at low redshift (z ~ 0) and are based on SDSS-like galaxy imaging. (update from Marc Huertas-Company).17 Nov, 2021: A new supplementary catalog
"(a) Tracer Tracks"
has been added, for TNG100-1, -2, and -3. It provides time-ordered, and halo/subhalo-ordered, tracer evolutionary histories, to aid in using the Monte Carlo tracer particles (PartType3) for analyzing the Lagrangian evolution of baryonic mass in gas, stars, or SMBHs. (update from Dylan Nelson).26 Nov, 2021: A new Simulation Landscape page has been added, giving an overview of the different cosmological hydrodynamical simulations run by the community, notes about public availability, and a comparison of their results. (update from Dylan Nelson).
12 Jan, 2022: The example scripts for working with/loading Illustris[TNG] data have been updated to include support for the Julia language. The getting started walkthrough, documentation, and reference is now also available for Julia. (update from Rahul Ramesh and Dylan Nelson).
8 Feb, 2022: A bug has been fixed in the
(p) Aperture Masses (Total and Stellar)
supplementary catalog. The previous values for 10pkpc total masses were wrong (and simply equal to the 30pkpc total masses), which has been corrected. (update from Chris Engler).13 Feb, 2022: A new supplementary catalog
"(s) Cosmic web distances (DisPerSE)"
has been added, for TNG100-1 and TNG300-1 at select snapshots between z=0 and z=2. It computes the cosmic web of filaments, nodes, and voids, and provides distances between galaxies and these topological structures. (update from Chris Duckworth).19 Feb, 2022: The supplementary data catalog
"(j) Barred Galaxies Properties and Evolution"
, previously available TNG100-1, has been extended to include TNG50-1 at snapshots from z=0 to z=4. (update from Yetli Rosas-Guevara).9 June, 2022: A new supplementary catalog
"(t) Galaxy Morphologies (Kinematic) and Bar Properties"
has been added, for TNG50-1 at all redshifts/snapshots. It contains kinematic-based morphological decompositions into thin disc, thick disc, bulge, pseudo bulge, and halo components of the stellar bodies of galaxies. It also contains a bar identification, together with bar strength and size measurements. (update from Tommaso Zana).21 June, 2022: The supplementary data catalog including stellar photometry/colors for SDSS bands has been renamed to
"(k) SDSS ugriz and UVJ Photometry/Colors with Dust"
as it now also includes a second catalog with UVJ photometry, for TNG100-1 and TNG300-1, at z=0, 0.75, 1.0, 1.75, 2.0, 2.2 using the same dust attenuation models. (update from Dylan Nelson).5 July, 2022: A new supplementary catalog
"(u) LEGA-C/VIMOS Mock Optical Spectra"
has been added. It contains synthetic spectra for TNG100-1 galaxies at intermediate redshifts, from z=0.6 to z=1, matched in characteristics and with high realism with respect to the LEGA-C spectroscopic survey. (update from Po-Feng Wu).29 July, 2022: A new supplementary catalog
"(v) JWST-CEERS Mock Galaxy Imaging"
has been added. It contains synthetic synthetic images for JWST-like NIRCam and MIRI observations of high-redshift galaxies, from z=3 to z=6, from TNG50-1. (update from Luca Costantin).16 August, 2022: A new supplementary catalog
"(w) Multi-band (UV to submm) Photometry and SEDs"
has been added. It contains synthetic multi-wavelength photometry and SEDs, for TNG50-1 at low redshift, across a wide wavelength range. (update from Ana Trčka).23 Sep, 2022: A new supplementary catalog
"(x) Globular Clusters"
has been added. It contains a catalog of globular clusters in high-mass TNG50 halos at redshift zero, based on a post-processing modeling technique. (update from Jessica Doppel).11 Nov, 2022: The TNG supplementary data catalog
"(l) SKIRT Synthetic Images and Optical Morphologies"
has been updated. In addition to Pan-STARRS and SDSS stellar light image mocks, it now includes mocks specific to the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS), for all galaxies with M* > 1e8 Msun, from TNG50 at redshift z=0.0337. See the data documentation for more information. (update from Alejandro Guzman-Ortega).5 Jan, 2023: A new supplementary catalog
"(y) Merger History"
has been added. It contains information and statistics on galaxy mergers (major, minor, and all), for all TNG simulations and all snapshots. (update from Lukas Eisert and Vicente Rodriguez-Gomez).5 Feb, 2023: The TNG supplementary data catalog (l) SKIRT Synthetic Images and Optical Morphologies has been updated. It is now available for TNG50-1 (at z=0 and z=0.05), in addition to the previously available datasets for Illustris-1 and TNG100-1. (update from Vicente Rodriguez-Gomez).
22 Feb, 2023: A new supplementary catalog
"(z) MaNGIA Mock MANGA IFU Cubes"
has been added. It contains 10,000 MaNGA-like (IFU datacube) mocks from TNG50 galaxies for stellar population analysis. (update from Regina Sarmiento).29 Mar, 2023: The TNG50 Milky Way+Andromeda Sample and Data Release page is now available. The accompanying paper describes the selection of the sample of MW/M31-like galaxies in the TNG50 simulation, and makes a number of unique data products available for their analysis (update from Annalisa Pillepich).
29 Mar, 2023: A new supplementary catalog
"(2) HVC-like Cosmological Cloud Catalog"
has been added. It is a library of physical properties of cool clouds in the circumgalactic medium of Milky Way-like galaxies from TNG50. These objects are possible High Velocity Cloud (HVC) and/or Intermediate Velocity Cloud (IVC) analogs. (update from Rahul Ramesh).20 April, 2023: A new supplementary catalog
"(3) Zooniverse Cosmological Jellyfish"
has been added. It contains citizen science (visual) classifications of a large number of satellite galaxies, to determine if they exhibit jellyfish-like morphologies i.e. extended tails of gas consistent with ram pressure stripping. (update from Elad Zinger).2 August, 2023: The TNG50 supplementary catalog
"(t) Galaxy Morphologies (Kinematic) and Bar Properties"
has been updated with a correction. The previous catalog had incorrect values for snapshot 32 (only), and this has been fixed. The updated catalog has replaced the previous catalog. (update from Tommaso Zana).8 August, 2023: A new supplementary catalog
"(4) iMaNGA Mock MANGA IFU Datacubes"
has been added. It contains mock IFU datacubes for ~1500 TNG50 galaxies, matched in sample and observational characteristics with the SDSS-IV/MaNGA survey. (update from Lorenza Nanni).17 August, 2023: The Lab interface has been updated. The underlying OS that your Lab session runs on has been updated from Ubuntu 18 (bionic) to Ubuntu 20 (focal). Most importantly, the available Python version has been updated to 3.11, and all Python package versions are updated. In the future, please use
pip install package
to add additional packages, or for better package management, create a new mamba environment. The IDL version has been updated to 8.8, the Matlab version to 2022a, the Julia version to 1.9, and the R version to 4.3. JupyterLab itself has been updated to v3.6.5, with various new features. Usefully, on the upper-right of the Lab, you will now see a memory usage indicator, showing the default 10GB memory limit. (update from Dylan Nelson).23 August, 2023: The
field from the group catalogs is now available in the online API. You can see the value for all subhalos, and also use it e.g. in API searches. For simulations without this field (e.g. original Illustris), all subhalos have been given a value of 1, indicating 'good'. (update from Dylan Nelson).30 August, 2023: A new supplementary catalog
"(5) Synthetic Stellar Light Images with HSC-SSP Realism"
has been added. It contains mock stellar light images with HSC-like realism at 0.1<z<0.4 from TNG50 and TNG100. (update from Connor Bottrelli).19 September, 2023: You can now download individual merger trees, for a given subhalo, from the
merger tree. This is an alternative toSubLink
, described in the original Rodriguez-Gomez+16 paper, but never publicly released. It is available for subhalos in baryonic runs only (not dark matter only runs). Instead of using dark matter particles to track subhalos through time, it uses stars as well as gas. It generally gives the same result as SubLink, but in some cases may be particularly useful or more suited. All four tree types (full, MPB, MDB, and simple) are available using the API. (update from Dylan Nelson).20 October, 2023: The units of the
field have been updated to clarify that they are in Heaviside-Lorentz and not Gauss, unlike the corresponding MagneticField values that are already in Gauss. (update from Rahul Ramesh).13 Nov, 2023: First results from the new TNG-Cluster simulation are published. The full public data release is planned for early 2025.
25 January, 2024: A new supplementary catalog
"(6) Nearest Neighbors"
has been added. It contains counts of nearby galaxies as a probe of environment and environmental density. (update from Rodrigo Flores-Freitas).29 January, 2024: A new supplementary catalog
"(7) TNG50-SKIRT Atlas"
has been added. It contains synthetic stellar light images of TNG50-1 galaxies at z=0, in various bands, created with the SKIRT dust radiative transfer code. (update from Maarten Baes).7 May, 2024: The supplementary data catalog
"(w) Multi-band (UV to submm) Photometry and SEDs"
, previously available for TNG50 is now also available for TNG100-1, at the same redshifts and with identical processing. See the data documentation for more information. (update from Andrea Gebek).3 Dec, 2024: A new supplementary catalog under
"(j) Barred Galaxies Properties and Evolution"
has been added. It contains information on the time evolution of bars, using both ellipse fitting and Fourier methods, for TNG50-1 and TNG100-1 (update from Min Du and Shuai Lu).5 March, 2025: The TNG-Cluster simulation is publicly released. It is available for direct download, API-based access, and Lab-based access.