I tried to download all Illustris-3 snapshots(0~135).
After that, However, Some of them were not downloaded successfully.
So this time, I tried to request the data file that we need by using the each individual link for snapshots.
--2018-08-18 22:49:01-- http://www.illustris-project.org/api/Illustris-3/files/snapshot-73.21.hdf5
Resolving www.illustris-project.org...
Connecting to www.illustris-project.org||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: http://data.illustris-project.org/app/file/snapshot/L75n455FP/73/21/?token=2457dc87dbe5401caaad [following]
--2018-08-18 22:49:01-- http://data.illustris-project.org/app/file/snapshot/L75n455FP/73/21/?token=2457dc87dbe5401caaad
Resolving data.illustris-project.org...
Connecting to data.illustris-project.org||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2018-08-18 22:49:02** ERROR 404: Not Found.**
And, plus, some kind of like this "ERROR 404: Not Found" have quite often happened,
Let me tell you that link-list showing that "ERROR 404 : Not Found" message.
Dear All-Illustris-Staffs!
I tried to download all Illustris-3 snapshots(0~135). After that, However, Some of them were not downloaded successfully. So this time, I tried to request the data file that we need by using the each individual link for snapshots.
Following sentence is my command to get the all single files(hdf5). wget --content-disposition --header="API-Key:MY_API_KEY" "http://www.illustris-project.org/api/Illustris-3/files/snapshot-73.21.hdf5"
But, if I type this command, they say
And, plus, some kind of like this "ERROR 404: Not Found" have quite often happened, Let me tell you that link-list showing that "ERROR 404 : Not Found" message.
I still want to download that the rest of data-files, So I hope you helping or giving me for nice suggestions, I really appreciate it, in advance.
Hi Yungi,
Sorry about that, issues on the filesystem itself. I think it should all be fixed now, so please try again.
Let me know if you have any more trouble.
You are right, All of these 53 files are fixed now ! Thank you so much, Dylan !